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The US trademark IP STRATEGIES was filed as Word mark on 02/28/2011 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The current status of the mark is "ABANDONED-FAILURE TO RESPOND OR LATE RESPONSE".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 85253736
Application date February 28, 2011

Trademark owner

12950 Worldgate Drive
20170 Herndon

Trademark representatives

goods and services

45 Advisory services relating to intellectual property rights; enforcement of intellectual property rights; establishment of intellectual property rights; exploitation of intellectual property rights; intellectual property consultancy; intellectual property licensing services; intellectual property watching services; licensing of intellectual property; prosecution of applications for intellectual property rights; protection of intellectual property; research relating to intellectual property; advisory services relating to trade marks; enforcement of trade mark rights; licensing of trade marks; professional advisory services relating to infringement of trade marks; professional advisory services relating to licensing of trade marks; prosecution of applications for trade marks; searching of trade marks; trade mark attorney services; trade marks exploitation; management of trademarks; licensing of registered designs; professional advisory services relating to registered designs; prosecution of registered designs; advisory services relating to copyright; copyright management; exploitation of copyrights; exploitation of printed matter (copyright); exploitation of rights of films (copyright); exploitation of transmission rights (copyright); licensing of copyright; protection of copyright; advisory services relating to patents; exploitation of patents; licensing of patents; management of patents; patent agency services; patent attorney services; patent licensing; professional advisory services relating to infringement of patents; professional advisory services relating to licensing of patents

ID: 1385253736