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The US trademark ENDO-EXO was filed as Word mark on 07/19/2010 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/13/2011. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 85087778
Register number 4024910
Application date July 19, 2010
Publication date June 28, 2011
Entry date September 13, 2011

Trademark owner


Trademark representatives

goods and services

10 Orthopaedic devices, namely, bandages, compression stockings, shoe inlays, anatomic cervical supports and wrap bandages; medical implant products made of synthetic materials, namely, of non-liquid and non-diffusible plastics, namely, silicon breast implants, tracheostoma valves, voice prostheses, shunt valves, penis prostheses, ortheses and prostheses as replacements for all limbs and to support their respective functions; orthopaedic prostheses and ortheses as replacements for all limbs and to support their respective functions; exoprostheses and orthopaedic implants made of synthetic materials and their parts, namely, femoral neck endoprostheses and hip pedicle endoprostheses for artificial hip joints; medical and surgical instruments for orthopaedic prostheses; implants, namely, transcutaneous implants, ortheses and for exoprostheses; cast products made of base metals and base metal alloys as finished products for prostheses and implants; medical and surgical devices and instruments and connection and adaptation pieces and their parts for use in surgery; prostheses, namely, penis prostheses and voice prostheses, cannulae, namely, thrachea cannulae and cannula bearings; surgical implants made of synthetic materials, namely, nose implants, cartilage substitute implants, breast implants; tracheostoma products, namely, tracheostoma valves, speaking valves; voice prostheses; multistep bougies; oesophagal tubes; placeholders for stoma

ID: 1385087778