string(1) " " int(87) string(36) "SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA" string(34) "Gino Sorbillo Pizza Consulting srl" string(1) " " int(87) string(36) "SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA" string(34) "Gino Sorbillo Pizza Consulting srl" string(1) " " int(87) string(36) "SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA" string(34) "Gino Sorbillo Pizza Consulting srl" string(1) " " int(87) string(36) "SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA" string(34) "Gino Sorbillo Pizza Consulting srl" string(1) " " int(87) string(36) "SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA" string(34) "Gino Sorbillo Pizza Consulting srl" string(1) " " int(87) string(36) "SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA" string(34) "Gino Sorbillo Pizza Consulting srl" SORBILLO - Info on trademark no 6532682 USPTO, 12/19/2019] · TMDB



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The US trademark SORBILLO was filed as Word and figurative mark on 12/19/2019 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/26/2021. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Other natural phenomena not classified in other divisions or categories, soil, aurora borealis (Northern Lights) #Mountains or volcanoes stylized #USPTO: 26.03.21 - Ovals that are completely or partially shaded #USPTO: 26.17.01 - Straight line(s), band(s) or bar(s), Lines, straight, Bars, straight, Bands, straight #USPTO: 26.17.02 - Wavy line(s), band(s) or bar(s), Bands, wavy, Bars, wavy, Lines, wavy #USPTO: 26.17.04 - Vertical line(s), band(s) or bar(s), Lines, vertical, Bars, vertical, Bands, vertical #USPTO: 26.17.05 - Lines, horizontal, Horizontal line(s), band(s) or bar(s), Bands, horizontal, Bars, horizontal #USPTO: 26.17.06 - Bars, diagonal, Lines, diagonal, Diagonal line(s), band(s) or bar(s), Bands, diagonal

Trademark Details Last update: April 26, 2022

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 6532682
Register number 79284652
Application date December 19, 2019
Entry date October 26, 2021
Expiration date October 26, 2031

Trademark owner

Via G. Ruoppolo 105I-80128 Napoli

Trademark representatives

92 East Main Street 08876 Somerville US

goods and services

43 Hotel and restaurant services

ID: 13