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The US trademark SHAPE-COMFORT was filed as Figurative mark on 07/19/2007 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 06/17/2008. The current status of the mark is "IR CANCELLED; US REGISTRATION CANCELLED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 79042978
Register number 3449823
Application date July 19, 2007
Publication date April 1, 2008
Entry date June 17, 2008

Trademark owner

Trademark representatives

goods and services

10 Massage apparatus, vibromassage apparatus, and structural parts therefor
25 Clothing, namely, pants, shirts, dresses, underwear in the nature of underpants and undershirts, stockings, socks, tops; footwear; headwear; and clothing, namely, pants, shirts, dresses, underwear in the nature of underpants and undershirts, stockings, socks, tops, and footwear and headwear, all equipped with technical medical devices for monitoring data of the human body
28 Gymnastic and sporting articles, not included in other classes, namely, gymnastic apparatus, sport balls, and machines producing mechanical vibrations for stimulation of muscles for use in fitness or body building programs to increase strength and muscle flexibility, and structural parts therefor

ID: 1379042978