Computer hardware; microprocessors; integrated circuits for computers and peripherals; integrated circuit chips for computers and peripherals; circuit chips for computers and peripherials; microcomputers; computer chip sets; computer motherboards and daughter boards; printed circuit boards; electronic circuit boards; computer graphics boards; computer networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, routers and hubs; electronic apparatus for use with computers, namely, music players in the nature of MP3 and MP4 players; computer peripherals; semiconductor processors; semiconductor processor chips; computer memories; semiconductor memories; video circuit boards; audio circuit boards; audio-video circuit boards; video graphic accelerators; multimedia accelerator boards; video processors; fax modems; computer hardware and software for transmission and receipt of facsimiles; computer hardware and software for the development, maintenance, and use of local and wide area computer networks; computer hardware and software for the development, maintenance, and use of interactive audio-video computer conference systems; computer hardware and software for the receipt, display and use of broadcast video, audio, and digital data signals