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The US trademark CHAPARRAL was filed as Word mark on 03/06/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/10/2007. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED AND RENEWED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 78829838
Register number 3227320
Application date March 6, 2006
Publication date January 23, 2007
Entry date April 10, 2007

Trademark owner

701 Cedar Lake Blvd
73114 Oklahoma City

Trademark representatives

goods and services

4 crude oil and natural gas
35 marketing of energy related goods, namely, crude oil, alcohols, natural gas and related gases, namely direct marketing for others in the field of crude oil, alcohols, natural gas and related gases
40 production, processing and treating of energy, namely, natural gas, petroleum and other related hydrocarbon products
42 exploration for petroleum, natural gas and related hydrocarbons and all other gases and substances, whether liquid or solid and whether hydrocarbons or not, produced in association with the petroleum and natural gas and related hydrocarbons

ID: 1378829838