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The US trademark INTERTEK was filed as Word mark on 01/20/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/05/2008. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED AND RENEWED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 78795876
Register number 3480636
Application date January 20, 2006
Publication date May 20, 2008
Entry date August 5, 2008

Trademark owner

25 Savile Row
W1S 2ES London

Trademark representatives

goods and services

42 Testing, inspection and measurement evaluation services of the goods and services of others in the fields of materials, consumer products, vehicles, commodities, minerals, foods, beverages, medical products, pharmaceuticals, business systems, management systems, quality management systems, environmental management systems and manufacturing systems; electrical, physical, chemical, mechanical and optical testing, inspection and measurement evaluation services for the goods and services of others; pre-shipment and post-shipment inspection services in the fields of materials, consumer products, vehicles, commodities, minerals, foods, beverages, medical products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, oil, and gas; all for compliance with regulatory, quality, quantity, performance and safety standards; quality control services for others; consultation services in the field of safety needs for commercial, industrial, agricultural, energy, chemical, and consumer goods companies; calibration services; laboratory services, namely, engineering laboratory services, electrical laboratory services and medical laboratory services; medical laboratory services, namely, blood testing services and body fluid testing services; industrial analysis services in the fields of materials, consumer products, vehicles, commodities, minerals, foods, beverages, medical products, pharmaceuticals, business systems, management systems, quality management systems, environmental management systems and manufacturing systems; industrial and scientific research services in the fields of materials, consumer products, vehicles, commodities, minerals, foods, beverages, medical products, pharmaceuticals, business systems, management systems, quality management systems, environmental management systems and manufacturing systems; certification services, namely, testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods and services of others for the purpose of certification; safety product design services, namely, design of safety measures and guidelines in the fields of materials, consumer products, vehicles, commodities, minerals, foods, beverages, medical products, pharmaceuticals, business systems, management systems, quality management systems, environmental management systems and manufacturing systems; engineering services, excluding those in the area of process control of liquid metals; preparing engineering analyses and reports, excluding those in the area of process control of liquid metals; computer programming for others

ID: 1378795876