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The US trademark DURAGRIP was filed as Word mark on 07/14/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/04/2008. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: May 23, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 76663106
Register number 3390540
Application date July 14, 2006
Publication date September 18, 2007
Entry date March 4, 2008

Trademark owner

1621, Sakazu
Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture

Trademark representatives

goods and services

18 Handbag frames; purse frames; industrial packaging containers of leather in the nature of bags; clothing for domestic pets; bags, namely, folding briefcases, shoulder bags, gladstone bags, briefcases, suitcases, carry-on bags, trunks, handbags, Boston bags, schoolchildren's backpacks, rucksacks, attache cases, tote bags, travelling bags, leather shopping bags, satchels, school bags, school satchels, backpacks, knapsacks, and sports bags; pouches, namely, Japanese charm bags in the nature of Omamori-ire; business card cases; purses; key cases; wallets; Japanese utility pouches in the nature of Shingen-bukuro; commuter pass cases and name card cases; vanity cases sold empty; umbrellas and their parts; walking sticks; canes; metal parts of canes and walking-sticks; handles of canes and walking-sticks; saddlery; leather; imitation leather; synthetic leather
28 Wax for skis; toys for domestic pets; toys, namely, stuffed toys; dolls; Japanese board games, namely, Go games; Japanese chess, namely, Shogi games; dice; Japanese dice games, namely, Sugoroku; dice cups; diamond games; chess games; checker sets; conjuring apparatus, namely, magic tricks; dominoes; playing cards; Japanese playing cards, namely, Hanafuda; mah-jong games; billiard game playing equipment; gloves for sports and games, namely, American football gloves, baseball gloves, batting gloves, boxing gloves, bicycle gloves, goalkeepers' gloves, golf gloves, handball gloves, hockey gloves, horse-riding gloves, karate gloves, mountain climbing gloves, racquetball gloves, softball gloves, swimming gloves, waterski gloves, weight lifting gloves; balls for sports and games, namely, American footballs, baseballs, golf balls, handballs, softball balls, soccer balls, tennis balls, basketballs, volley balls and handballs; protective padding for sports, namely, football, hockey and baseball; golf bags; racket cases for sports for tennis, badminton; fishing tackle

ID: 1376663106