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The US trademark ECOWAY was filed as Word and figurative mark on 12/20/2000 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/27/2007. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: August 3, 2019

Trademark form Word and figurative mark
File reference 76183498
Register number 3342377
Application date December 20, 2000
Publication date September 19, 2006
Entry date November 27, 2007

Trademark owner

3-18, 1-Chome, Wakinohama-cho
Chuo-ku, Kobe

Trademark representatives

goods and services

7 Metal cutting machines; continuous casting machines; rolling mills; metal extruding machines; extrusion press machines, forging presses, hot isostatic press machines; cold isostatic press machines; wire drawing machines; magnetic stirring machines; mineral processing equipment, namely, crushing machines, grinding mill machines, vibrating screen separators, feeding machines; rubber processing machines, namely, palletizing machines, mixing machines, tire uniformity machines, tire shaping machines, tire curing machines; plastic processing equipment, namely, palletizing machines, mixing machines, plastic extruding machines, injection molding machines, bead winding machines; coating machines; etching machines; spray painting industrial robot; welding industrial robots; material handling robot, namely, palletizing robots; master slave manipulator machine for robots; electric welding machines, hydraulic excavators; electric mining shovels; mining machine parts, namely, draglines; floating crane machines; pile drivers; bucket wheel excavators; cranes; wheel loaders; continuous unloader conveyors; metal cutting machine parts, namely, drill, end mill, gear shaping, shaving cutters, broaches, saws, carbide tipped tools, ceramic cutting tools; fertilizing machines; weaving machines; municipal refuse shredding equipment; solid waste equipment, namely, liquefiers; rough terrain cranes, machine parts, namely, crank shaft, reformer tubes, ball valves, gate valves, gas compressors, gas expanders, vacuum pumps, gas turbine generators, rotor shaft, turbine blades, rolling for rolling mills; electric arc welding machines; arc ion plating machines
9 Tire testing machines, welding electrodes; welding fittings, namely nozzles and carriages; electric arc welders; welding transformer; integrated circuits; electric controls for real-time operation systems; monitoring systems; telemeter systems, remote control systems, and electric boards, namely condensers, capacitors, electronic coupling, current rectifiers, transformers, converters; computer systems, comprised primarily of hardware, operating software, processors, central processing units, printed circuits, integrated circuits, semi-conductors, magnetic cards, printers and instructional manuals sold therewith; optical scanner; equipment for measuring electric current, namely, amperage testers, planimeter, material testers, indicators
11 Purification installations for air, sewage and water; incinerators; industrial furnaces; furnace boilers; water treatment units for industrial use, namely, reverse osmosis equipment, air washer, heating apparatus, suspension preheater, cooling apparatus; refrigerators; cryogenic equipment, namely, refrigerators, and liquefiers; air filters for industrial installations; desalination units; heat exchanger; separators for the cleaning and purification of gases; open rack vaporizer for use in the natural gas industry; pressure vessel processing installations for fuel and nuclear moderating material

ID: 1376183498