Chemical, biochemical, biological, and biotechnological products and preparations (other than for medical or veterinary use) intended for the pharmaceutical industry, the sciences and agriculture; chemical, biochemical, biological, and biotechnological products for laboratory analyses (other than for medical or veterinary use); preparations for diagnosis other than for medical or veterinary use; chemical reagents other than for medical or veterinary use; and cultures and preparations of micro-organisms other than for medical or veterinary use
Pharmaceutical, veterinary, chemical, biochemical, biological and biotechnological products for medical, pharmaceutical or veterinary use; chemical and pharmaceutical products; bacteriological and bacterial preparations for medical or veterinary use; chemical, biological, biochemical, biotechnological preparations for medical or veterinary use; diagnosis preparations for medical or veterinary use; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary use; cultures and preparations of micro-organisms for medical or veterinary use
Scientific and industrial research, biology research, plant or animal biotechnological research; research and development of techniques for biochemical analysis or biological analysis; research and development of genetic constructions intended for implantation in genomes of micro-organisms, plants or animals; pharmacology research; consultation and information in matters relating to biology, biotechnology, pharmacy, and medicine; research and development of new products in the area of pharmacy, biology and biotechnology, medicine, sciences; research laboratories; and engineering work in matters relating to pharmacology, medicine and sciences