EUIPO EUIPO 2023 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark ISIQe was filed as Word mark on 12/15/2023 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 06/12/2024. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: June 14, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018964450
Application date December 15, 2023
Publication date March 5, 2024
Entry date June 12, 2024
Expiration date December 15, 2033

Trademark owner

Rindelbacher Straße 36 - 40
73479 Ellwangen

Trademark representatives

Königstr. 70 Am Literaturhaus 90402 Nürnberg DE

goods and services

7 Machines and mechanical devices for the treatment of materials, in particular for the irradiation of surfaces, especially for UV-curing of surfaces coated with paints, lacquers and/or adhesives; machines and mechanical devices for metal processing and plastics processing; machines and mechanical devices for drying and curing metal products and plastic products; machines and mechanical devices for irradiating products and semi-finished products; drying units for surfaces using air, UV light or LED-UV-light; UV printing machines; machines, devices and mechanisms for surface modification of goods of metal or plastic by means of irradiation, in particular with light, UV radiation or IR radiation
9 Electrical and electronic measuring, monitoring, control and regulating devices; electrical and electronic devices and apparatus for the control, remote control and monitoring of industrial units and machines; electrical switch cabinets; drying ovens for laboratory use; man-machine-interface software
11 Drying apparatus; drying units; drying ovens; conveyor ovens for curing printing inks, adhesives and lacquers; heat dissipating and ventilating apparatus; light curing apparatus and units; ultraviolet irradiation apparatus; ultraviolet lamps; ultraviolet lamps, not for medical use; ultraviolet light-emitting diodes for irradiation purposes; reflectors for lamps; apparatus and instruments for generating and supplying light; irradiation devices for generating and emitting UV radiation for use in industrial applications
37 Installation, maintenance and repair services for machines and their parts; installation, implementation, maintenance and repair of drying apparatus and drying units
42 Technical consultancy in relation to surface treatment of goods of metal or plastic; technical consultancy in relation to metal and plastic processing; engineering services

ID: 11018964450