EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark SHARPER BY NATURE was filed as Word mark on 08/11/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/06/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018531466
Application date August 11, 2021
Publication date September 29, 2021
Entry date January 6, 2022
Expiration date August 11, 2031

Trademark owner

4909 SE International Way, Portland
97222 Oregon

Trademark representatives

Fleminggatan 20 112 26 Stockholm SE

goods and services

7 Outdoor power equipment, namely, chain saws, hedge trimmers, line trimmers, edgers, log splitters, post hole diggers, centrifugal pumps and replacement parts therefor; structural parts and fittings for outdoor power equipment, namely, saw chain, guide bars, bar covers, tip guards, sprockets for chainsaws, air filters, oil filters, fuel lines, fuel filters, fuel caps and valves, motors, gaskets, hoses and hose reels, wheels, rollers, casters, pistons, straps, carburetors, throttle controls, lines, starters, mufflers and spark plugs; machine parts, namely, bearings, bushings, cables, plugs and clips, idlers and pulleys; belts for machines; clutches for machines; drive chains for machines; drive parts for machines, namely, sprockets, gears, drive pins, drive discs, rings, rollers, spindle assemblies and jackshafts; parts for power operated edgers, namely, shafts, trimmer heads, blades and trimmer line; lawn mower parts, namely, blades, grass bags, and decks; electric bench grinders, electric mower blade grinders, and accessories and replacement parts therefor; grinding wheels; electric rivet spinners; snow thrower parts, namely, augurs, scraper bars, shave plates, skids, paddles; fitted tarps for power machinery; stands for machines; tire changers; mower sulkies
8 Hand tools; manually-operated hand tools; hand tools, namely, saws, plastic wedges, felling levers, lifting picks, lifting tongs, chain breakers, chain adjusters, hay hooks, hand jacks, post drivers, post pullers, fence wire stretchers, rope wire stretchers, wire grippers, tire bead breakers, hand-operated pumps, scrapers, wrenches, screwdrivers, combination wrench-screwdrivers; hand-operated rivet spinners; sharpening stones; manually-operated grease guns; hand-operated files; guides for hand-operated files; handles for hand-operated files; tool holders; manually powered sprayers

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 4, 2022 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11018531466