EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark ZETA was filed as Word mark on 05/12/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/10/2024. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018470881
Application date May 12, 2021
Publication date June 4, 2021
Entry date January 10, 2024
Expiration date May 12, 2031

Trademark owner

Benkenstrasse 260
4108 Witterswil

Trademark representatives

234, route d'Arlon B.P. 48 8001 Strassen LU

Objection / Complaint

09/03/2021: Likelihood of confusion
Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques

goods and services

9 Electric and electronic control apparatus and instruments; electronic communication apparatus; electronic signal transmitters; electronic connected devices for mobility scooters for providing and transmitting diagnostic information; data processing equipment; communication software; none of the aforesaid goods in the field of digital signage; all the above goods being related to power wheelchairs, mobility scooters, powered tricycles and quadricycles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility
12 Mobility scooters; powered tricycles and quadricycles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility; fittings and parts for the afore mentioned goods
38 Transmission of data, messages and information; data transmission and telecommunication services; none of the aforesaid services in the field of digital signage; all the aforesaid services being related to power wheelchairs, mobility scooters, powered tricycles and quadricycles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility
42 Cloud computing services; software as a service (SaaS); none of the aforesaid services in the field of digital signage; all the above services being related to power wheelchairs, mobility scooters, powered tricycles and quadricycles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility

ID: 11018470881