Nucleic acids
Medicines for humans and animals, Vaccines, Serums, Test kits and Diagnostic preparations, In particular manufactured using molecular biological, genetic engineering and biotechnological methods; proteins, Cell products, Protein conjugates, Peptides, Enzymes and enzyme preparations, In particular antibodies and T-cell proteins; T-cells, Dendritic cells and other immune system cells, viruses and Particles similar to viruses; Liposomes; Plant extracts; Low-molecular active substances; Medicines, Vaccines, Adjuvants, Serums, Test kits and Diagnostic agents relating to precancerous cells, benign and malignant tumours, in particular haematological tumours, inflammatory disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, Autoimmune conditions and Immunotherapy
Molecular biology and biotechnology laboratory services, In particular research and development in the field of medical and veterinary diagnosis and treatment using molecular biological, genetic engineering and biotechnological methods, and in the field of screening for pharmaceutically active components; Development of test procedures and test kits in the field of biotechnology and medicine
Medical analysis and medical consulting in connection with the treatment of individuals, In particular in the field of precancerous cells, benign and malignant tumours, autoimmune diseases and Immunotherapy
Licensing of intellectual property, Including trademarks and patents in the field of biotechnology, pharmacy and medicine