
EUIPO EUIPO 2020 Application opposed

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The Union trademark VitalAire was filed as Word mark on 10/27/2020 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application opposed".

Trademark Details Last update: October 22, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018326666
Application date October 27, 2020
Publication date January 7, 2021

Trademark representatives

75 quai d'Orsay 75007 Paris FR

Objection / Complaint

03/21/2021: Art. 8(4) Likelihood of confusion Unfair advantage /detriment to distinctiveness or repute

goods and services

5 Gases for medical purposes
6 Containers of metal for compressed gas or gas in liquid form
9 Computer software (recorded and/or downloadable programs); Application software; Computer software applications, downloadable; Software and applications for mobile devices; All the aforesaid goods being intended for the monitoring and treatment of patients at home suffering from chronic diseases
10 Medical therapy instruments
11 Gas concentration apparatus
38 Providing of access to an internet or extranet portal for medical purposes, in particular information, advice, monitoring and treatment of patients at home suffering from chronic diseases
41 Educational services for patients at home suffering from chronic diseases; Providing of training relating to the remote monitoring of treatment data of patients at home suffering from chronic diseases
44 Home therapy services; residential medical and health care services; Monitoring of patients (medical services); Medical advisory and information services

ID: 11018326666