EUIPO EUIPO 2020 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark EVOFILM was filed as Word mark on 02/04/2020 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/30/2020. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: June 21, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018191214
Application date February 4, 2020
Publication date February 20, 2020
Entry date May 30, 2020
Expiration date February 4, 2030

Trademark owner

Norra Ljunggatan 16
252 28 Helsingborg

Trademark representatives

Norra Vallgatan 58 201 20 Malmö SE

goods and services

1 Sizing preparations; Adhesives used in industry; Adhesives for plaster; Screen adhesives; Adhesives for printing templates; Mixtures of resin and filler for use as an adhesive [other than for stationery or household use]; Electrostatic films; Emulsifiers; Adherent substances for adhesive tapes; Gel for use as sun protection for windows; Gel for use as sun protection for land vehicles and vehicles; Hydrates; Adhesive preparations for use in bonding materials; Chemicals for use in coating film; Chemicals for use in gluing [for industrial purposes]; Chemicals for electrostatic use; Chemicals used to prevent condensation; Bond-promoters; Compounds of polyvinyl chloride; Adhesives for billposting; Adhesives [sizing]; Separating and unsticking [ungluing] preparations; Plastic adhesives [not for stationery or household purposes]; Polyvinyl chloride resins; Silicone; Starch for industrial purposes; Starch paste [adhesive], other than for stationery or household purposes; Adhesive stiffeners for plastics; Mould-release preparations
12 Anti-glare devices for vehicles; Anti-glare sun strips for windows; Anti-glare sun strips for land vehicle and vehicle windows; Blinds adapted for vehicles; Blinds for land vehicle and vehicle windows; Protective interiors for land vehicles and vehicles; Sun blinds for land vehicle and vehicle windows; Sun blinds for land vehicle and vehicle windshields; Sun blinds for use on windows; Sunshields for use on vehicles; Visors [strips] for windows; Visors [strips] for vehicle screens; Windshield visors [vehicle parts]; Hoods for vehicles
17 Decorative plastics films being semi-finished products; Polyvinyl chloride film [other than for wrapping or packaging]; Tinted plastic film for use on land vehicle and vehicle windows; Filtering materials of semi-processed films of plastic; Insulating materials for insulation against light; Window masking films; Window masking film for land vehicles and vehicles; Compositions to prevent the radiation of heat; Plastic film, not for wrapping; Insulating materials produced from plastics; Reflective plastic films for use on windows; Reflective plastic film for use on land vehicle and vehicle windows; Anti-dazzle films for windows [tinted films]; Anti-dazzle film for land vehicle and vehicle windows [tinted film]; Adhesive-coated plastic sheets; Adhesive tapes, strips, bands and films; UV-proof film for windows; UV-proof film for land vehicles and vehicles

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 23, 2024 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11018191214