EUIPO EUIPO 2019 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark AGRI AWARE'S INCREDIBLE EDIBLES was filed as Figurative mark on 07/18/2019 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/21/2020. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Lightning #Personified plants, combinations of plants representing a personage #Groups of vegetables of different kinds #Letters or numerals forming a figure in the shape of an arc of a circle

Trademark Details Last update: August 24, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018096772
Application date July 18, 2019
Publication date November 14, 2019
Entry date February 21, 2020
Expiration date July 18, 2029

Trademark owner

Irish Farm Centre, Bluebell, Naas Road,
D12TYW5 Dublin 12

Trademark representatives

Unit 10, 4075 Kingswood Road, Citywest Business Campus, D24 C56E Dublin IE

goods and services

16 Printed matter; newspapers, books and periodicals; instructional and teaching materials
31 Agricultural products; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds
41 Educational services; provision of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities
44 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry services

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 23, 2022 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11018096772