
EUIPO EUIPO 2019 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark apollo was filed as Figurative mark on 02/18/2019 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/09/2019. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Symbol of infinity #Letters or numerals representing a figurative element

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018024370
Application date February 18, 2019
Publication date August 2, 2019
Entry date November 9, 2019
Expiration date February 18, 2029

Trademark owner

105, 1st floor, building 1, No. 10, shangdishi street, Haidian District

Trademark representatives

Avenida Diagonal, 463 bis, 2° piso 08036 Barcelona ES

goods and services

9 Computer operating systems in the field of automobiles, namely, an operating system for use in autonomous vehicles and vehicles with intelligent driver assistance system, for turning standard vehicles into autonomous vehicles and vehicles with intelligent driver assistance system, and for the operation of autonomous and vehicles with intelligent driver assistance system; computer software in the field of automobiles, namely, software for use in vehicles to facilitate the transmission of data between vehicles and between vehicles and another application; open platforms, computer software systems and application programming interface (API) software for use in the development of computer operating systems for driving, navigating, parking and monitoring autonomous cars and driverless cars with intelligent driver assistance systems; downloadable computer software platforms and recorded computer software platforms for use in computer operating systems for driving, navigating, parking and monitoring autonomous cars and driverless cars; artificial intelligence software, virtual assistant software and computer systems for driverless cars with intelligent driver assistance system; artificial intelligence and machine learning software in the field of autonomous driving and intelligent driver assistance; computer software for voice, speech, facial, image, motion and gesture recognition and for data collection, processing, conversion and output for use in automated and autonomous driving assistance systems
12 Autonomous cars and structural parts therefor; smart cars with intelligent driver assistance system and structural parts therefor
42 Platform as a service (PAAS) providing access to source codes and software in the fields of autonomous vehicles, smart vehicles, Internet of vehicles and intelligent transportation; platform as a service (PAAS) providing a platform for the development of source codes and software in the fields of autonomous vehicles, smart vehicles, Internet of vehicles and intelligent transportation; research, design, development, engineering, installation, updating, maintenance and consulting of open platforms, computer software systems, application programming interface (API) and operating systems in the field of autonomous driving, of artificial intelligence software and computer systems for driverless cars and of computer operating systems for driving, navigating, parking and monitoring driverless cars; development of computer software application solutions in the field of autonomous driving and driving assistance; none of the aforesaid in relation to bicycles and their parts and fittings

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 4, 2021 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11018024370