EUIPO EUIPO 2018 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark BRENNER was filed as Word mark on 02/26/2018 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 06/20/2018. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: March 19, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 017867173
Application date February 26, 2018
Publication date March 5, 2018
Entry date June 20, 2018
Expiration date February 26, 2028

Trademark owner

Wienerbergerplatz 1
1100 Wien

Trademark representatives

Rosenauerweg 16 4580 Windischgarsten AT

goods and services

19 Non-metallic building materials; Rigid pipes, not of metal [building]; Non-metal air conditioning ducts; Non-metallic pipes for roof drainage installations; Pipes made of cement for use in building; Structures and transportable buildings, not of metal; Earth for bricks; Bricks; Unfired bricks; Refractory products in the form of bricks; Bricks being refractory articles; Semi-refractory bricks, not of metal; Refractory bricks, not of metal; Sidings (Non-metallic -); Prefabricated non-metal buildings; Buildings, transportable, not of metal; Modular homes, not of metal; Building panels, not of metal; Fire retardant panels (Non-metallic -) for use in construction; Building stone; Building blocks incorporating insulating materials; Blocks (Non-metallic -) for construction; Non-metallic refractory blocks; Non-metal roofing tiles; Wood; Roofing, not of metal, incorporating solar cells

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 18, 2021 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11017867173