EUIPO EUIPO 2016 Application refused

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The Union trademark COGNIPRO was filed as Word mark on 06/08/2016 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application refused".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 015519861
Application date June 8, 2016
Publication date August 4, 2016

Trademark owner

200 Riverfront Boulevard
07407 Elmwood Park,

Objection / Complaint

11/02/2016: Likelihood of confusion
Cognisco Limited

goods and services

9 Hardware and software for monitoring, reporting and training systems, consisting of digital cameras, video monitors and computer software to store and transmit data and images to monitor personal hygiene, safety compliance and/or measure manufacturing and other operational processes in food and beverage processing and industrial food and beverage applications; automated process control for use in connection with food and beverage processing equipment
42 Developing hardware and software systems for third parties to monitor, measure, report and train in connection with personal hygiene and safety compliance and/or manufacturing and other operational processes in the food and beverage processing and industrial food and beverage fields; conducting onsite audits to ensure compliance with applicable hygiene and safety regulations

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 26, 2017 Transfer / Change of address, Decision to reject (final)
July 5, 2017 Transfer / Change of address, Decision to reject (final)

ID: 11015519861