
EUIPO EUIPO 2016 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Genius was filed as Figurative mark on 03/09/2016 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/12/2016. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Backgrounds, in words or numerals, divided into two, three or four #One ellipse #Yellow, gold #Black #Grey

Trademark Details Last update: November 15, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 015200587
Application date March 9, 2016
Publication date April 6, 2016
Entry date October 12, 2016
Expiration date March 9, 2026

Trademark owner

Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1
00144 Roma

Trademark representatives

Via Borgonuovo, 10 20121 Milano IT

Objection / Complaint

07/06/2016: Identity of marks and G&S Likelihood of confusion
Karl Hoffmann

goods and services

4 Industrial oils and greases; Lubricants; Dust absorbing wetting and binding compositions; Fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; Candles and wicks for lighting
35 Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; all the aforesaid services except for services related to TV-channel
38 Telecommunication and communication services; Transmission and receipt of messages via dispatching centres; Electronic transmission of information, data, images, documents and messages through computer terminals and networks; Computer aided transmission and dissemination of information, data, images, documents and messages; all the aforesaid services except for services related to TV-channel
42 Services relating to the auditing of energy consumption and of the efficiency of operation of appliances and the safety checking of appliances and pipework; Advisory and inspection services, all relating to electricity; Consultancy relating to energy; Energy monitoring and surveys; Consultancy in the field of energy-saving

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 14, 2024 Change Representative, Published
March 13, 2018 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11015200587