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The Union trademark BioTex was filed as Word mark on 06/16/2015 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/20/2015.
The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".
6Metal films with single-sided or double-sided plastic coatings, for the manufacture of transport packaging impermeable to water vapour; Metal films and metallic films for packaging
16Anti-corrosion paper for packaging purposes; Anti-corrosion films for packaging purposes; Paper with anti-corrosive coatings for packaging purposes; Packaging material of plastic, In particular plastic films for protection against corrosion, Not included in other classes; Wrapping materials and Packaging of paper and/or Millboard, Not included in other classes; Paper and cardboard for packaging with and without coatings or impregnation; Goods of paper, cardboard or plastic for packaging, wrapping and storage purposes, not included in other classes; Kraft papers for the temporary protection of metal products in transport packaging
Trademark history
Document number
November 18, 2024
Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
ID: 11014263487
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