Pharmaceutical and/or parapharmaceutical preparations; Medicines; Pharmaceutical and/or parapharmaceutical preparations based on marine products, essential oils, plant extracts, and goods of natural or chemical origin; Medicines based on marine products, essential oils, plant extracts, and goods of natural or chemical origin; Pharmaceutical and/or parapharmaceutical preparations for throat treatment; Pharmaceutical and/or parapharmaceutical preparations for the treatment and soothing of symptoms, the soothing of pain, drainage, decongestion, disinfection, regeneration, repair and healing in the context of diseases of the respiratory tract and in particular of the throat, in particular in the form of liquids for gargling, drops, serum, solutions and drinkable emulsions; Pharmaceutical and/or parapharmaceutical preparations for the treatment and soothing of symptoms, the soothing of pain, drainage, decongestion, disinfection, regeneration, repair and healing in the context of diseases of the respiratory tract and in particular of the throat, in particular in the form of effervescent solutions, elixirs, powders, pomades, creams, gels, pastes, sprays, balms, ointments, tablets, capsules, gel capsules, granules and pastilles; Solutions for soothing symptoms in the throat; Pain-relieving solutions for the throat; Drainage solutions for the throat; Decongestants for the throat; Bacterial and/or viral disinfectants for the throat; Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions for the throat; Pharmaceutical and/or parapharmaceutical preparations for hygiene, cleaning, moistening, rehydration, protection, regeneration, repair, healing and prevention of diseases of the respiratory tract and in particular of the throat, and in the context of diseases including laryngitis and angina, and post-operative care; Isotonic marine serum, hypertonic marine serum
Medical apparatus and/or instruments for the treatment of respiratory diseases and in particular throat diseases; Medical apparatus and/or instruments for the moistening, clearance, regeneration, repair and healing of the respiratory mucosa, for the treatment and soothing of symptoms in the respiratory system, for the soothing of pain in the respiratory system, and for drainage, decongestion and disinfection of the respiratory tract, in particular of the throat; Medical devices for the moistening, clearance, regeneration, repair and healing of the respiratory mucosa, for the treatment and soothing of symptoms in the respiratory system, for the soothing of pain in the respiratory system, and for drainage, decongestion and disinfection of the respiratory tract, in particular of the throat