
EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Application withdrawn

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The Union trademark vFire was filed as Word mark on 10/02/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application withdrawn".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 013320619
Application date October 2, 2014
Publication date November 14, 2014

Trademark owner

2nd Floor, Tannery House, Tannery Lane
GU23 7EF Woking

Objection / Complaint

02/16/2015: Likelihood of confusion Unfair advantage /detriment to distinctiveness or repute Earlier non registered TM & right to prohibit use of later TM under national law
Amazon Europe Holding Technologies S.à r.l.

goods and services

9 Computer software; computer programs; information technology service management software; computer software for facilitating the use of multiple operating systems; computer programmes relating to computer use and operation and instruction manuals in electronic form and sold together as a unit; computing programs that manage computer resources, the delivery of computer applications and IT services and the purchase, download and implementation of computer operating systems and applications

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 14, 2015 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11013320619