
EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Zaylo was filed as Figurative mark on 08/08/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/31/2014. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Extend brand
Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#One circle #Circles with inscriptions projecting beyond the circumference #Circles with dark surfaces or parts of surfaces

Trademark Details Last update: February 12, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 013155916
Application date August 8, 2014
Publication date September 23, 2014
Entry date December 31, 2014
Expiration date August 8, 2024

Trademark owner

Robert-Bosch-Str. 8
50769 Köln

Trademark representatives

Waidmarkt 11 50676 Köln DE

goods and services

35 Analysis of business information; Market research; Collection and systematization of business data; Updating of business information on a computer data base; Cost price analysis; Business information services provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; Providing business information, also via internet, the cable network or other forms of data transfer; Commercial information agencies [provides business information, eg, marketing or demographic data]; Provision of business and commercial information; Provision of commercial business information by means of a computer database; Provision of commercial information; Provision of on-line business and commercial information; Providing information about commercial business and commercial information via the global computer network; Market information services relating to market statistics; Computerised information services to business opportunities appraisals; Provision of computerised data relating to business; Business surveys; Market reports and studies; Provision of computerised business statistics; Providing an on-line commercial information directory on the internet; Provision of information relating to data processing; Commercial information agencies; Provision of business information via global computer networks; Provision of information and advice to consumers regarding the selection of products and items to be purchased; Provision of computerised information relating to business records; Price analysis services; Comparisons for production processes, management practices, goods or services (benchmarking); Compilation and provision of trade and business price and statistical information; Auctioning via telecommunication networks; On-line auction bidding for others; Mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; Bidding quotation; Consumers (Commercial information and advice for -) [consumer advice shop]; Price comparison services; Procurement of contracts [for others]; Tariff information and advisory services; Administrative processing of purchase orders; Computerised business information processing services; Automated data processing; Computerised data verification; Computerised business information retrieval; Data management services; Data search in computer files for others; On-line data processing services; Electronic data processing; Consulting in sales techniques and sales programmes; Advertising, marketing and promotional services; Business management, business administration
38 Telecommunications; Information services, In particular in the context of a database with use of electronic networks, including the internet
39 Travel and passenger transportation; Transportation and delivery of goods; Services consisting of information relating to journeys, tariffs, timetables and methods of transport; Reservation and booking services for transportation; Transport services; Storage and delivery of goods
43 Consultancy services relating to hotel facilities; Appraisal of hotel accommodation; Rating holiday accommodation; Electronic information services relating to hotels; Providing accommodation for meetings; Travel agency services for booking accommodation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 11, 2024 Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
November 29, 2018 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11013155916