EUIPO EUIPO 2014 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark ECO BONUS was filed as Figurative mark on 07/02/2014 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/10/2014. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Extend brand
Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Recycling symbol #Surfaces or backgrounds covered with other repeated figurative elements #One triangle #Other irregular parallelograms, trapezia and quadrilaterals, quadrilaterals containing one or more rounded corners #More than two quadrilaterals, inside one another #Quadrilaterals containing one or more triangles or lines forming an angle (specify the content) #Quadrilaterals containing other inscriptions #Letters or numerals representing a figurative element

Trademark Details Last update: July 5, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 013047675
Application date July 2, 2014
Publication date September 2, 2014
Entry date December 10, 2014
Expiration date July 2, 2024

Trademark owner

ul. Pograniczna 2/4
02-285 Warszawa

Trademark representatives

ul. J. Słowackiego 5/149 01-592 Warszawa PL

goods and services

35 Purchase and sale of electronic waste, waste and scrap, including via electronic and online platforms; Business management, namely administration relating to contracts for the purchase of electronic waste and waste; Call centres, information and consultancy relating to the purchase and sale of electronic waste and waste, including via hotlines; Advertising of goods, namely demonstration of the benefits of goods for the purpose of their purchase, conducting of advertising campaigns; Management of loyalty programmes, customer incentive programmes, providing of electronic waste and waste, and promotion and bonus programmes, online information regarding marketing, loyalty and bonus programmes; Organisation of exhibitions and presentations for commercial or advertising purposes, including online via computer networks; Organisation of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes, marketing, sales promotion, direct mail advertising, providing commercial information directories online; Organisation of games, competitions, lotteries and entertainment events for commercial purposes with the use of press, radio, television and Internet advertising and with the use of electronic, magnetic and optical data carriers
37 Disassembling goods that that have been worn; Collection of waste and electronic waste (collection of waste materials); Repair or maintenance of waste crushing machines and apparatus and waste compactors; Waste removal (cleaning services), waste disposal (cleaning); Installation, repair, maintenance and servicing of hand tools, electric tools, household appliances, machines, household goods and appliances, radio and television apparatus, electrical and electronic apparatus, photographic and optical apparatus, apparatus for playing, transmission and/or reproduction of sound or images, data carriers, computers and data processing equipment, computer peripheral devices, office machines and equipment, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating and air-conditioning purposes
39 Transport, loading, unloading, warehousing and storage of waste and electronic waste; Collection of waste and electronic waste; Rental of containers for waste and electronic waste; Collection of containers for waste and electronic waste; Compilation of waste and electronic waste, treatment (removal and transport) of waste; Call centre services, information and consultancy relating to the storage of waste, including via hotlines
40 Waste processing treatment and disposal; Recycling, recycling and treatment of waste and electronic waste; Recycling of waste and electronic waste; Destruction of rubbish, waste and electronic waste; Sorting of electronic waste, waste and recyclable material (transformation); Electronic-waste and waste treatment (transformation); Processing of gas and oil; Decontamination of hazardous materials; Recovery of raw materials; Reclamation of electronic waste and waste; Acquisition of material from waste and electronic waste, processing of material from waste and electronic waste (regeneration), waste and electronic-waste treatment, destruction of waste; Management of waste and electronic waste (recycling); Recycling of scrap; Treatment of waste water; Air purification and air recycling; Call centre services, information and consultancy relating to recycling, recovery of materials, reclamation of electronic waste and waste, sorting of waste and recyclable material (transformation), including via hotlines; Reclamation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 4, 2024 Transfer / Change of address, Published
December 5, 2023 Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark

ID: 11013047675