EUIPO EUIPO 2013 Registration expired

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The Union trademark RYVAL was filed as Word mark on 07/26/2013 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/23/2013. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: May 27, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 012018453
Application date July 26, 2013
Publication date September 13, 2013
Entry date December 23, 2013
Expiration date July 26, 2023

Trademark owner

The Priestley Centre 10 Priestley Road Surrey Research Park
GU2 7XZ Guildford,

Trademark representatives

Dr.-Carl-von-Linde-Str. 6-14 82049 Pullach DE

goods and services

1 Gases for industrial, general technical, leisure and commercial purposes, in particular compressed gases and gas mixtures and gases in liquefied or dissolved form; chemical products and liquids, in particular refrigerants, cooling agents, liquids proper for cooling purposes, cryogenic liquid gases
7 Machines and apparatus included in class 7, all for use in the welding, electric arc and flame cutting, brazing and joining of metals; valves for use as parts of these machines; sanders; grinders; cutting and abrasion machines and parts of such machines; valves for use as parts of the mentioned machines; electrodes and wires for electric arc welding
9 Measuring, signalling, regulating and controlling apparatus and instruments for gases; protective clothing for protection against accidents in an industrial environment; welder's gloves; welder's helmets and welder's masks
11 Apparatus for steam generation and gas preparation; gas generators and apparatus for producing process gas from gases stored as cryogenic liquid; gas regulators, gas regulation systems and gas panels; regulating and safety accessories for gas supply apparatus and gas pipes in general, in particular measuring, switching, regulating, pressure adjustment and safety components; burners and burner tool kits

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 26, 2024 Extension, Trade mark expired

ID: 11012018453