
EUIPO EUIPO 2012 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark BRECOprotect was filed as Word mark on 07/10/2012 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/07/2012. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: July 14, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 011028776
Application date July 10, 2012
Publication date August 30, 2012
Entry date December 7, 2012
Expiration date July 10, 2032

Trademark owner

Kleiststr. 53
32457 Porta Westfalica

Trademark representatives

Gutenbergstraße 39 45128 Essen DE

goods and services

7 Machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); Parts of machines and machine tools,Namely driving belts and conveyor belts, in particular toothed belts, tracked toothed belts, toothed lock washers and tracked toothed lock washers; Conveyor belts and belts for conveyers, cam belts, cams and attachments for toothed belts, workpiece holders, synchronising discs and shafts; Tension rollers for bands and belts, connecting elements, clamping joints and clamping plates for toothed belts; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 7
12 Vehicle parts for apparatus for locomotion by land, Air or water,Namely driving belts, toothed belts and V-belts, and tension rollers therefor, synchronous shafts, synchronous discs and toothed lock washers; Parts for the aforesaid goods, included in class 12

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 13, 2022 Extension, Trade mark renewed
February 4, 2022 Change Representative, Published
February 2, 2015 Change Representative, Published
March 20, 2013 Registration, Published

ID: 11011028776