EUIPO EUIPO 2012 Registration expired

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The Union trademark JS was filed as Figurative mark on 03/15/2012 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/12/2012. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Monograms formed of intertwined, overlapping or otherwise combined letters #Letter 'J' #Letter 'S'

Trademark Details Last update: February 14, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 010730075
Application date March 15, 2012
Publication date June 5, 2012
Entry date September 12, 2012
Expiration date March 15, 2022

Trademark owner

12 rue Raffet
75016 PARIS

Trademark representatives

37-39 avenue de Friedland 75008 Paris FR

goods and services

35 Event marketing; Advertising and business, namely business management assistance; Business management and organisation consultancy; Business management consultancy; Professional business consultancy; Business appraisals; Efficiency experts; Business information; Business enquiries; Distribution of leaflets and samples; Rental of advertising material; Assistance to commercial or industrial firms in the conduct of their business; Business consultancy, information and enquiries; Organisation of advertising campaigns and commercial or administrative affairs for the applicant's affiliates and subsidiaries, licensees of industrial property rights and franchisees; Advertising sponsorship; Shop-window dressing; Sale of stage sets and exhibition stands; Public relations; Promotional operations
37 Installation, repair, fitting and construction of sets, including exhibition stands, scenery and shops
41 Entertainment; Organisation and conducting of sporting and cultural events; Organisation and conducting of concerts, tours, theatre productions, dance and/or musical shows and entertainment shows; Rental of stage sets, musical instruments, sound systems and electrical, electronic and electrotechnical equipment for the organisation and conducting of concerts, tours, theatre productions, dance and/or musical shows and entertainment shows and special effects production; Organisation and conducting of cultural activities and competitions; Rental of audio equipment, lighting apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios; Rental of show scenery; Radio, film and television production, including for broadcasting via communication, information and data networks, other than the production of advertising films; Organisation and conducting of sporting events in order to motivate and reward employees, customers and other target groups (incentives), included in this class; Conducting of live events; Publication and transmission of printed matter (except for advertising purposes), Publication of books, Newspapers, Reviews, of catalogues, of brochures
42 Interior and exterior decoration, whether or not for events, consultancy in interior and exterior decoration, interior and exterior design, consultancy relating to interior fittings; Construction drafting; Design (plan drawings) of stage sets and exhibition stands, and of shops; Architectural consultancy; Graphic arts designing; Packaging design services; Styling (industrial design); Design of works of art and decoration; Design of jewellery and fashion accessories; Fashion stylist services; Product design services, Industrial product design, Ornamental and decorative design of goods; Interior decoration of buildings, restaurants, hotels, bars, nightclubs, beauty salons and cosmetic salons
45 Management, use and granting of licences for intellectual property rights, copyright and software licences; Design (plan drawings) of stage sets and exhibition stands

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 15, 2023 Extension, Trade mark expired
November 12, 2015 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11010730075