EUIPO EUIPO 2012 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark NORMA24 was filed as Word mark on 02/08/2012 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/11/2012. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: January 18, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 010626943
Application date February 8, 2012
Publication date June 4, 2012
Entry date September 11, 2012
Expiration date February 8, 2032

Trademark owner

Heisterstr. 4
90441 Nürnberg

Trademark representatives

Maximiliansplatz 14 80333 München DE

goods and services

35 Marketing, sales promotion, sales and purchasing consultancy, market research and market analysis; Public relations; Personnel recruitment; Business, organisation, personnel and professional business consultancy; Advertising, Direct mail advertising and Mailing, Preparation of advertising documentation, Design of advertisements, Internet advertising; Providing of information and know-how in the commercial and professional business sector, in particular in the retail sector; Sales planning and sales advice; Accounting, payroll preparation, office functions; Arranging and concluding commercial transactions, arranging contracts for the buying and selling of goods; Distribution of samples; Retailing and online retailing, in particular discount retailing, in the fields of: pharmacy articles, healthcare articles, medicines, healthcare preparations and apparatus, dietetic substances, food supplements, apparatus, equipment and products for the household, kitchen, bathroom, house and garden, recreation, camping and DIY, ironmongery, electric equipment, machines and tools, computers, computer equipment, computer accessories and software, audio and video recording carriers and reproduction apparatus, electronic equipment, hi-fi equipment, home entertainment, telecommunications equipment and components, scientific equipment, apparatus, equipment and accessories for photography and optics, lighting apparatus and equipment, musical instruments, goods of paper, cellulose and plastic, books, printed matter, office requisites, stationery, materials for schools and hobbies, packaging material, furniture, plastic products, glassware and ceramic goods, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, products for babies and children, household fabrics and haberdashery, fashion accessories, clocks and wrist watches, precious stones and jewellery, bags, goods of leather and imitations of leather, travel items, umbrellas, games and playthings, materials and apparatus for gymnastics, sports and recreation, foodstuffs, delicatessen articles, organic and natural products, beverages, plants, flowers, animal foodstuffs, articles for animals, luxury foods and alcohol, tobacco products; Running (administrative management) of supermarkets, retail outlets, discount retail outlets, Online stores; Collating of data in computer databases; Providing information on the Internet, namely providing product information and customer service information relating to right of return, product liability and warranty; Order placement and delivery services and invoice management, including within the framework of e-commerce; All the aforesaid services not related to building construction and in the field of the automobile industry; Database management
38 Telecommunications, In particular providing access to global computer networks and And databases, News agencies and press reports, Electronic message and image sending, Providing access to Internet services; Operation and provision of portals on the Internet
42 Development, creation, further development and maintenance (improving and updating) of computer programs, computer program systems, program libraries and databases and the rental or leasing thereof, subject to special contractual conditions (leasing by licence); Technical consultancy, Programming; Design of databases; Technical drafting, Coordination and support for customer service and loyalty schemes; Technical business consultancy for customer service systems and customer loyalty schemes; Computer services for managing online communications, in particular in the field of customer services, sales and marketing; Providing online data

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 17, 2022 Extension, Trade mark renewed
November 16, 2015 Change Representative, Published
December 11, 2014 Change Representative, Published
September 12, 2012 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11010626943