EUIPO EUIPO 2011 Registration expired

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The Union trademark IIF was filed as Figurative mark on 12/14/2011 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/17/2012. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Letters containing written or typographical matter

Trademark Details Last update: October 18, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 010490531
Application date December 14, 2011
Publication date February 6, 2012
Entry date August 17, 2012
Expiration date December 14, 2021

Trademark owner

415 South Glasscock Blvd.
78573 Alton,

Trademark representatives

Avenida de Burgos, 16D, 4ª planta Edificio Euromor 28036 Madrid ES

Objection / Complaint

05/07/2012: Likelihood of confusion
Häfele SE & Co KG

goods and services

20 Mirrors, Frames, Wooden goods, Cork, Cane, Reed, Wicker, Horn, Bone, Ivory, Whalebone, Tortoiseshell, Amber, Mother-of-pearl, Meerschaum, Substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics, not included in other classes,In particular goods of plastic for packaging, for commercial and industrial purposes, in particular lids of plastic, Closures,Covers and lids of plastic for protecting the ends of pipes; Packaging goods for commercial and industrial purposes, of plastics or of plastic materials, in particular lids of plastic, fasteners, covers and protectors, for use in the food and drink industry; Commercial and industrial furniture of plastic for storage, exhibition or transport of goods, in particular pallets, mobile platforms, Boxes, Racks, Display stands and Containers; Shock-absorbing goods of plastic for commercial or industrial purposes, namely pallets, mobile platforms, Boxes,Containers, bases, grilles and Trays
42 Industrial design services; Design for the plastics industry; Design of goods of plastic, including pallets, mobile platforms, boxes, racks, display stands, containers, lids, fasteners, covers, protectors, bases, grilles and trays, all for commercial or industrial purposes

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 14, 2022 Extension, Trade mark expired
October 23, 2018 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11010490531