Financial affairs; monetary affairs; banking; banking services; credit services; intermediation of credit; financial information, financial advisory services and analysis; financial and economic valuations; financial consultations; grant of credit, lending- and financing business; credit granting; intermediation of loan, credit and financing; credit agreement; purchase financing; loan financing; credit, loans and financing on Internet and other global computer network systems; intermediation of credit, loans and financing electronically or by telephone; banking services by telephone; intermediation of financial- and investment information electronically or by telephone; administration, verification and issuing of payments; electronic payment transfer; intermediation of credit; intermediation of credit on Internet and other global computer network systems; credit rating and valuations; credit investigations; credit rating services; credit enquiries and consultation; advice on credit approval; consultancy services related to credit-and debt control; investment, contribution and loan financing; cash operations; banking operations; cash collection operations; instalment loan operations; verification and issuing of payments; electronic payment transfer; financing of instalment payments; financing of instalment loans and credit; information and advisory sendees, consultancy- brokerage- services, and providing of sendees regarding all the above mentioned services