EUIPO EUIPO 2009 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark ILD was filed as Figurative mark on 07/31/2009 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/31/2010. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Shields containing inscriptions

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 008464588
Application date July 31, 2009
Publication date September 14, 2009
Entry date January 31, 2010
Expiration date July 31, 2029

Trademark owner

Železárenská 74
27201 Kladno

Trademark representatives

Jinonická 80 158 00 Praha CZ

goods and services

35 Mediation in the trade in metal vessels, tanks, containers, vats, silos, steel constructions, stirrers, metal-working machines, waste gas cleaning devices and accessories therefor, water separators and accessories therefor, apparatus for heating, steam generating, water and vapour distribution, heat pumps, heat exchangers (not parts of machines), incinerators, mediation in services, namely operating incinerators, installing, servicing, repairing and maintaining waste gas and water cleaning devices, manufacturing waste gas cleaning devices for industry and incineration, manufacturing incineration equipment (waste, hazardous waste) and boilers (coal, alternative fuels), manufacturing separator attachments, constructing steel structures and accessories therefor, processing and treating material, processing metals, surface-coating metals, galvanizing, phosphating, zinc plating, grinding, polishing, metal-working, handling waste, including hazardous waste and the regeneration thereof, collecting waste, treating waste, consultancy in the aforesaid fields, mediation in respect of treatment of materials, waste separation and treatment, heat and electricity generation, consultancy on incineration equipment and boilers, cleaning waste gases and engineering in the aforesaid fields; professional business consultancy, business information; mediation in respect of business contacts for the trade in metal vessels, tanks, containers, vats, silos, steel constructions, stirrers, metal-working machines, waste gas cleaning devices and accessories therefor, water separators and accessories therefor, apparatus for heating, steam generating, water and vapour distribution, heat pumps, heat exchangers (not parts of machines), incinerators, carrying out business transactions, advertising, business promotion, publicity, demonstration of goods, purchase and sale of metal vessels, tanks, containers, vats, silos, steel constructions, stirrers, metal-working machines, waste gas cleaning devices and accessories therefor, water separators and accessories therefor, apparatus for heating, steam generating, water and vapour distribution, heat pumps, heat exchangers (not parts of machines), incinerators
40 Manufacture of waste gas cleaning devices for industry and incineration, manufacture of incinerator equipment (waste, hazardous waste) and boilers (coal, alternative fuels), manufacture of accessories for separators, construction of steel structures and accessories therefor, processing and treating materials, treating metals, surface-coating metals, galvanizing, phosphating, zinc plating, grinding, polishing services, metal-working, handling waste, including hazardous waste and the regeneration thereof, collecting waste, treating waste, consultancy in the aforesaid fields, mediation in respect of material treatment, waste separation and treatment, heat and electricity generation
42 Consultancy on incinerator equipment and boilers, cleaning waste gas and engineering in the aforesaid fields

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 2, 2019 Extension, Trade mark renewed
January 4, 2017 Change Representative, Published
January 28, 2010 Change Representative, Registered
September 15, 2009 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11008464588