EUIPO EUIPO 2007 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark MANCHESTER UNITED was filed as Figurative mark on 07/10/2007 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/18/2008. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Heraldic lions #Viking boats, galleys, boats with a single square sail (set on a yard slung horizontally from the mast) #Footballs and other balls, shuttlecocks #Shields containing other figurative elements or inscriptions #Neptune's tridents #Banderoles, cartouches

Trademark Details Last update: February 15, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 006086111
Application date July 10, 2007
Publication date December 3, 2007
Entry date December 18, 2008
Expiration date July 10, 2027

Trademark owner

Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford
M16 0RA Manchester

Trademark representatives

Gudridarstig 2-4 113 Reykjavik IS

goods and services

11 Apparatus and equipment for lighting, heating, cooling, drying, steam generating, sterilizing, air-conditioning, air freshening, air purifying, water purifying, cooking and refrigerating; electric toasters and casseroles; lights; electric Christmas tree lights; light fittings; luminaires; lamps; lampshades, lampshade holders; light diffusers; electric torches; pocket torches; torches for lighting; electric kettles; electric coffee-making machines, electric tea-making machines; coffee roasting machines; cookers; electric pressure cookers; roasting apparatus; deep fryers; electric fryers; toasters; grills; ovens; microwave ovens; kitchen ranges; hairdryers; electric clothes dryers; refrigerators; freezers; electric cool boxes; ice machines; bathroom fixture and/or installations; bathroom ware; sanitary fixtures and/or installations; sanitary ware; laundry dryers; tumble dryers; dehumidifiers, demisters; drinking fountains; drinking water filters; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods
33 Alcoholic beverages [except beer]; spirits; wines, fortified wines; alcopops; brandy; champagne; cider; cognac; digesters [liqueurs and spirits]; gin; liqueurs; perry; port; rum; sherry; tequila; vermouth; vodka; tequila; aperitifs, cocktails, mixtures of wine and fruit flavourings, punch, none of the foregoing [having an alcohol content of more than 12% (by volume)]
43 The provision of food and/or drink; restaurants; bistros; cafés; cafeterias; canteens; catering; takeaway food services; coffee shop services; bars; public houses; hotel services; inn-keeping services; provision, arrangement, booking, letting, rental of temporary accommodation; accommodation booking agency services; accommodation letting agency services; accommodation reservation services; arranging and/or booking of meals, food and/or drink; arranging and/or booking of banquets; arranging the provision of day nursery services for children; arranging the provision of nursery services for children; crèche services; day care services for infants and/or children; hospitality services; hire, lease, rental of marquees, pavilions, rooms; snack bar services; wine club services; wine bar services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 16, 2020 Change Representative, Published
September 12, 2017 Transfer / Change of address, Published
July 11, 2017 Extension, Trade mark renewed
November 13, 2015 Registration, Published
November 24, 2008 Change Representative, Published
December 3, 2007 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11006086111