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The Union trademark bunny was filed as Word mark on 03/11/2005 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/18/2006.
The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".
5Veterinary and sanitary preparations for animals; disinfectants and deodorants (other than for personal use) for animals and animal breeding; preparations for destroying vermin; antiparasitic preparations; dog lotions, washing preparations for dogs and other furry animals; antiparasitic collars for animals; additives to fodder for medical purposes
21Accessories for domestic animal cages, namely perches, ladders, swings, baths, bath tubs, mirrors, drinking troughs and bowls; feeding troughs for animals; combs and brushes for pets; cat litter trays and covers therefor (included in class 21); cages for household pets; litter trays for pets
31Foodstuffs for animals, including non-medical food supplements and tonics; beverages for domestic animals; dietetic substances for animals not adapted for medical use; litter for domestic animals; live animals; chewing bones for animals (edible); pet food; sanded paper for domestic animals (litter); protein for animal consumption
Trademark history
Document number
August 27, 2024
Change Representative, Published
August 13, 2024
Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
September 21, 2023
Change Representative, Published
August 2, 2017
Change Representative, Published
June 8, 2016
Change Representative, Published
January 28, 2016
Transfer / Change of address, Published
April 8, 2015
Extension, Trade mark renewed
February 2, 2009
Registration, Published
ID: 11004333332
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