EUIPO EUIPO 2005 Registration expired

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The Union trademark Q-TITE was filed as Word mark on 01/26/2005 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/11/2006. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 004258554
Application date January 26, 2005
Publication date September 12, 2005
Entry date April 11, 2006
Expiration date January 26, 2015

Trademark owner

St Catherines Avenue
DN4 8DF Doncaster,

Trademark representatives

100 Hagley Road, Edgbaston B16 8QQ Birmingham GB

goods and services

6 Metal fittings; plumbing fittings; press fittings; metal pipe fittings; metal fittings for use in plumbing, heating, air conditioning, water chilling, gas supply, pipelines, compressed air and fire protection applications; pipes and tubes; valves made of metal; couplings, connectors, copper rings, clips, flanges, joint connectors, elbows, corner elbows, tees, stop ends, joints and unions for pipes and tubes; pipes and tubes; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods
17 Plastic fittings; plumbing fittings; press fittings, plastic pipe fittings; plastic fittings for use in plumbing, heating, air conditioning, water chilling, gas supply, pipelines, compressed air and fire protection applications; pipes and tubes; valves made of plastic; couplings, connectors, clips, flanges, joint connectors, elbows, corner elbows, tees, stop ends, joints and unions for pipes and tubes; pipes and tubes; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods \ \ \

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 16, 2013 Transfer / Change of address, Published
April 27, 2010 Change Representative, Published
April 27, 2010 Change Representative, Published
May 26, 2009 Transfer / Change of address, Registered
April 27, 2009 Transfer / Change of address, Published
April 21, 2008 Change Representative, Published
July 4, 2005 Transfer / Change of address, Registered

ID: 11004258554