Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; electric apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, regulating and controlling electricity; apparatus and systems constructed therefrom, for recording, transmission, processing and/or reproduction of analog and/or digital image signals and/or analog and/or digital sound signals and/or data, including all the aforesaid apparatus for connection to the Internet, in particular electronic apparatus for entertainment, including aerials, car radios, audiovisual receivers, image generating and/or display units for the display and/or visualisation of moving images, still images, animations and/or multimedia data, in particular for electronic apparatus for entertainment and/or telecommunications, including apparatus using picture tube, LCD, plasma or TFT technology, screens and picture tubes; picture editing apparatus, camera recorders, CD-players, digital cameras, displays, DVD-players, DVD drives, television sets with picture tubes or plasma screens or LCD screens, hard disc recorders, hi-fi equipment, mobile telephones and cable telephones, monitors, projectors, radios with or without cassette players or CD-players, set-top boxes, clock radios, videorecorders; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of electronic or digital music, radio and data signals, apparatus and installations for satellite reception technology, including aerials, receivers, set-top boxes and accessories therefor, namely branch boxes, adaptors, aerial sockets, descramblers, filters, mounts, cables, converters, LNCs, modems, hardware and software modules, multiswitches, transformers, amplifiers, distributors; data transmission apparatus (included in class 9) and systems constructed therefrom; navigation apparatus (included in class 9), and systems constructed therefrom, in particular satellite-controlled systems and systems for vehicles; multimedia apparatus, including modems and interactive apparatus; tape, disc or flat magnetic, electronic (in particular semi-conductor memories), digital and/or optical data media (included in class 9); apparatus for broadband communications; information technology equipment; communications technology apparatus, including apparatus for in-house communications, hotel communications and office communications (included in class 9); office equipment, in particular play-back apparatus, answering machines, dictating machines, headphones, earphones for dictating machines, scanners and fax machines, and parts therefor; hardware and software modules and/or terminals for the Internet, and apparatus for voice-controlled information processing; telecommunications apparatus, in particular cable and wireless user devices; computers, including computers for games, computer parts and computer peripheral devices, PCs, notebooks, data processing equipment, hardware and software; network apparatus and network systems, comprising coupled individual networks, in particular in the form of Intranet/Internet equipment in local or wide-area networks; data processing programs, software, in particular for mass storage media; operating programs and operating systems (included in class 9); machine-readable data carriers equipped with programs; video games adapted for use with television receivers, notebooks or computers, including software; alarms and alarm installations; broadband communications systems; apparatus for electronic games adapted for use with television receivers only, in particular games consoles; monitoring apparatus and monitoring equipment, and systems constructed therefrom; accessories for the aforesaid goods, namely splitters, adaptors, accumulators, acoustic couplers, batteries, card stations, data transmission units, filters, mounts, cables, headphones, chargers, eraser magnets, magnetic tape cassettes, magnetic cards, microphones, mixing desks, modems, hardware and software modules, internal and/or external power supplies, switches, memory chips, memory cards, plugs, plug-in cards, power supply devices, namely internal and/or external power supplies, converters, amplifiers, distributors; parts of all the aforesaid goods, in particular housings, housing parts and support brackets; remote control transmitters and remote control receivers for the aforesaid goods; combinations of the aforesaid goods
Telecommunications, including hotel communications and in-house communications, multimedia services, namely electronic communications, transmission of information or data from databases (including for a fee), from speech and information services; Internet services, offline and online services, on-demand telecommunications and other electronic media services, namely processing and forwarding of electronically-transmitted data, sound and images by cable, satellite, computer, computer network, telephone lines and all other transmission media; Transmission of information and entertainment programs; Operating networks for the transmission of data, images and speech; Fixed and mobile radiotelephone services, and telematics services; News agencies and general information services (all the aforesaid services included in class 38); Hotel communications and in-house communications, including various kinds of data and information transmission and the surveillance and monitoring of persons and/or buildings and of security systems, in particular for hotel communications; Information about telecommunication; Rental of facsimile apparatus; Rental of message sending apparatus; Rental of modems; Rental of telecommunication equipment; Rental of telephones
Creation, servicing, repair and maintenance of computer programs and software, in particular multimedia computer software (music, sound, data, video and images), and for the operation of networks; construction and operation of databases for the gathering, storage and providing of software, data, images, audio and/or video information; technical consultancy for designing apparatus, equipment and installations for network services, and for designing, including planning and development, of networks; Internet services, namely the creating and installation of Internet presentations; development of electronic programme guides, namely programming and gathering of data therefor; professional consultancy in the field of data processing; exploitation of copyright and industrial property rights for others; franchising, namely technical support and consultancy on the manufacture of plastics; consultancy with regard to the technical construction of workshops for the processing and treatment of plastics; technical consultancy in the field of recycling; planning, development and consultancy in the field of electrical engineering and electronics, including the rental of electrotechnical and electronic installations, devices, apparatus, equipment, instruments and goods