EUIPO EUIPO 2000 Application withdrawn

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The Union trademark SIGNED SEALED DELIVERED ONLINE was filed as Word mark on 09/21/2000 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application withdrawn".

Trademark Details Last update: November 26, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 001902527
Application date September 21, 2000
Publication date August 27, 2007

Trademark owner

221 Main Street, Suite 1550
94105 San Francisco

Trademark representatives

Aurora Building, Counterslip BS1 6BX Bristol GB

goods and services

35 Records management services, document indexing for others
39 Electronic storage of files and documents; electronic storage of files and documents for others; secure electronic document storage of documents for others; secure electronic storage of files and documents; maintaining security and providing controlled access to electronically stored files and documents
41 Electronic publishing services, publication of text and graphic works of others on CD-ROMs in a wide variety of fields
42 Computer document management services; electronic data verification services; issuing encrypted digital signature certificates; providing notary services via a global computer network for others to assign a legally binding electronic signature to a document or file

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 18, 2011 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11001902527