
EUIPO EUIPO 1997 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Huppmann was filed as Word mark on 02/10/1997 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/29/1999. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: May 24, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 000464230
Application date February 10, 1997
Publication date May 25, 1999
Entry date November 29, 1999
Expiration date February 10, 2027

Trademark owner

Heinrich-Huppmann-Str. 1
97318 Kitzingen

Trademark representatives

goods and services

6 Straining vats of metal, in particular of stainless steel and with built-in release, stir and emptying devices and/or with in-built filter for the separating of liquids from solids; sedimentation vats of metal, in particular of stainless steel; containers of metal used as vats or pressure tanks, also fitted with regulating mechanisms in particular for pressure, temperature or for pumps to promote the flow of the contents of the container; flake ice containers of metal, in particular with stirring devices and automatic ice release devices, storage tanks, buffer tanks and overflow tanks of metal, in particular of stainless steel
7 Brewing machinery and mechanical brewing devices, in particular malt and raw fruit silos; machines, mechanical devices and installations thereof for the cleaning of malt and raw fruits; mechanical installations for transporting malt and raw fruits, in particular with a facility for weighing and/or aspiration; rough grinding mills; grain conveyors and grain silo installations; stirring devices for moving liquid media of differing consistencies in containers, in particular of mechanical design with a number of arms and with release and emptying devices or as pump stirring devices; CO2 liquefaction installations; refrigeration compressor, in particular open compressors, semi-hermetically and hermetically sealed compressors, screwed compressors and turbo compressors; condensers, in particular air-cooled compressors, evaporation condensers and water-cooled condensers, also with water recooling devices; oil separators; water and salt stirring devices; filter apparatus for the separation of solids from a liquid, in particular alkaline solutions
9 Hop dosing installations; mechanical devices, special devices and installations thereof for the adding of yeast; automatic and/or hand-operated dosing devices for alkaline solutions and/or acids, in particular for the dilution of concentrated alkaline solutions and acids to the required concentration; process control devices for installations and parts of installations, in particular designed to be controlled in-situ or by remote control in particular modular constructed memory programmable control mechanisms , with or without active or passive switching and control rooms, in particular control stations with full graphic or semi-graphic process surveillance, at a workstation or using a PC; sector-specific system and user software for the operation of the above-mentioned installations and control mechanisms, in particular with recording and reporting facilities, reception administration, comfortable parameter options, depiction of sequence cascade and servo component, fully automatic measurement data gathering and storage, fully graphic measuring curve depiction and/or automatic production data gathering and evaluation
11 Mash containers with heating elements, in particular heating by steam and/or hot water; Mash boilers (heaters), in particular as internal boilers for installation in preparation containers (mash containers) or as external boilers; seasoning pans with integrated heating elements, in particular heating by steam and/or hot water; spice boilers, in particular used as internal boilers for installation in preparation containers or as external boilers in external order for the heating and boiling of spices outside of the preparation containers; vapour seals; ladle vapour condensers for the condensing of accompanying steam during the boiling of spices and with the boiling of mash in the mash containers; whirlpools; plate apparatus for the cooling of spices; installations and devices for the airing of spices; mechanical devices and installations thereof for the production of iced water; cooling and heating pump installations for breweries, maltings, slaughter houses, dairies, chemical industry, refrigeration chambers, artificial ice strips, swimming pools, ice factories, in particular ice block factories and flaked ice factories, champagne cellars, brandy distilleries, wine cellars; bundle pipe condensers; refrigerating agent collectors; refrigerating agent separators; bundle pipe passage refrigerants; hairpin evaporators for the storage of ice; vertical tube evaporators for cooling salt; ice block generators, in particular with automatic forward feed cell; cell filling containers, cell defrosting containers, cell tipping containers, ice sliding and ice cranes; cooling installations for air, liquids and solids, as well as air coolers using hot gas, electric heating elements or warm salt; installations for the cooling of tank casings, in particular with bag shaped containers on the tank casing for the collection of a liquid or steam cooling medium; cooling towers
20 Straining vats of plastic, in particular with built-in release, stir and emptying devices and/or with in-built filter for the separating of liquids from solids; separation vats of plastic; flake ice containers of plastic, in particular with stirring devices and automatic ice release devices, storage tanks, buffer tanks and overflow tanks of plastic
42 Consultation and engineering services of a technical or technological type, in particular the drawing up of case studies, feasibility studies, calls for tenders; planning and design of technical installations; product development

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 23, 2024 RAW: Seniority - Claims of seniority, Published
June 28, 2021 Change Representative, Published
January 4, 2017 Extension, Trade mark renewed
March 9, 2011 Transfer / Change of address, Published
January 14, 2008 Change Representative, Published
January 14, 2008 Change Representative, Published
September 3, 2007 Change Representative, Published
August 27, 2007 Change Representative, Published
August 13, 2007 Change Representative, Published
July 16, 2007 Transfer / Change of address, Published
July 9, 2007 Transfer / Change of address, Published
June 25, 2007 Change Representative, Published
March 19, 2007 Extension, Trade mark renewed
November 22, 2006 Change Representative, Published
February 28, 2005 Transfer / Change of address, Registered

ID: 11000464230