DPMA DPMA 1998 File deleted

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The German trademark 39801861 was filed as Figurative mark on 01/16/1998 at the German Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/16/1998. The current status of the mark is "File deleted".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#One medal or coin with the representation of a human head or a human being #Curved lines or bands (except A 26.11.13) #Several quadrilaterals juxtaposed, joined or intersecting #Circles containing other figurative elements #Emblems, insignia

Trademark Details Last update: December 14, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 398018618
Register number 39801861
Application date January 16, 1998
Publication date April 20, 1998
Entry date March 16, 1998
Start of opposition period April 20, 1998
End of the opposition period July 20, 1998
Expiration date January 31, 2018

Trademark owner

Trademark representatives

goods and services

3 25
Parfümerien, ätherische Öle, Mittel zur Körper- und Schönheitspflege; Bekleidung und Kopfbedeckungen, Accessoires, nämlich Krawatten, Schals, Tücher, Gürtel für Bekleidung
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 27, 2018 201800302011 5f Deletion, Marke geloescht
January 23, 2014 201400023738 8b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
May 4, 2012 201200168882 8b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
February 18, 2011 201100057355 8b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
August 21, 2008 200800644495 3b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
June 26, 2008 200701029610 4 Extension, Verlaengert
February 19, 2008 200701394279 3b Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
January 7, 2004 200490056003 RAW: Berichtigung
September 23, 2003 200302926050 Opposition period, Marke teilweise geloescht
October 28, 1998 199801699145 Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen
March 16, 1998 199801548282 Registration, Marke eingetragen

ID: 10398018618