Jägermeister 56 Logo (DPMA, 10/12/2015)
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The German trademark Jägermeister 56 was filed as 3D mark on 10/12/2015 at the German Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/27/2015.
The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".
#Bottles or flasks in horizontal cross section other than circular or elliptical #Four colours #Deer, stags, elk, reindeer, fawns, antelopes #Series of letters presenting different forms of writing #Series of letters in different dimensions #Heads of animals of Series IV, with horns #Numerals presenting a special form of writing
Trademark form | 3D mark |
File reference | 3020151068652 |
Register number | 302015106865 |
International trademark | No. IR1291858, December 2, 2024 |
Application date | October 12, 2015 |
Publication date | November 27, 2015 |
Entry date | October 27, 2015 |
Start of opposition period | November 27, 2015 |
End of the opposition period | February 29, 2016 |
Expiration date | October 31, 2025 |
Date | Document number | Area | Entry |
April 29, 2016 | 201620520447 | 8d | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
April 29, 2016 | 201620520447 | 8c | Transfer / Change of address, Abgeschlossen |
March 28, 2016 | 201520299825 | 2a | Opposition period, Marke ohne Widerspruch eingetragen |
October 27, 2015 | 201520266592 | 1aaa | Registration, Marke eingetragen |
ID: 103020151068652