With TMDB you can search the most important trademark registers worldwide in no time.
The TMDB service is free of charge for you and works without prior registration.
Via TMDB you can register your trademarks worldwide and protect them permanently with our trademark monitoring.
The German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), based in Munich, is the largest national patent and trademark office in Europe and the fifth largest patent office worldwide.
Every year, around 80,000 German trademarks are registered. In total, more than 900,000 trademarks are protected at the DPMA.
The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, based in Bern, IGE for short, is responsible for trademark and design protection in Switzerland.
As of 2021, more than 520,000 trademarks are registered with the Swiss Trademark Office. Every year, about 17,000 trademarks are added.
The EUIPO - European Union Intellectual Property Office - located in Alicante, Spain, is the competent office for the protection of EU trademarks and Community designs (EU designs).
Since 1996, more than 2.5 million trademarks have been protected at the EUIPO. Approximately 150,000 new trademark applications are now filed each year.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the U.S. federal agency responsible for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks and designs.
Approximately 2 million trademarks are registered with the USPTO. Approximately 200,000 trademark applications are added each year.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a UN organization concerned with the protection and promotion of intellectual property worldwide. Its headquarters are in Geneva.
It has 185 member states and receives more than 400,000 applications for patents, trademarks and utility models annually.
We protect international trademarks via WIPO.
Enter the desired brand name in the search above. By default, all trademark registers (DPMA, EUIPO, etc.) are used for your search. Furthermore, you can use our advanced search to search for different statuses (e.g. cancelled trademarks) or services.
Our trademark search searches over 5 million trademarks worldwide and primarily targets the phonetic similarity of the individual trademarks. Narrow down the number of search results further with our extensive filtering options. Voilà - trademark search via TMDB is that easy.
After a free registration you have the possibility to follow trademarks easily. If you want permanent protection for your brand, we recommend our trademark monitoring service to effectively protect your brand from imitators. Furthermore, you can register trademarks worldwide via TMDB.
Together with our experienced in-house partner law firm BREUER LEHMANN (Munich), we protect your product name, company name, logo, slogans, etc. as a registered trademark. This gives you the exclusive right to use your protected trademark term.
Book a trademark registration now from only 289 € (plus VAT).
With our online service you have the possibility to monitor similar trademark applications, owners or representatives. The setup of this monitoring is fast, easy and can be done by yourself online.
The trademark monitoring is free of charge for you for up to three trademarks.
A trademark search is a process of checking to see if a particular name, symbol or logo for a product or service has already been registered as a trademark or if there are already similar trademarks that could potentially cause confusion.
A trademark search is important to ensure that you yourself do not infringe any third-party trademark rights and to ensure that your own trademark cannot be confused with other trademarks.
With a thorough trademark search, you avoid later trademark conflicts, which can very quickly become very expensive.
You can first search for terms, a brand name. You can check this for identical (default setting) hits or also for similar terms.
After that you can search TMDB:
You can narrow down the search with further filters. US trademarks, for example, are initially not relevant for the European region, as they are only protected there.
A trademark search should consider similar names as well as similar logos and symbols. Our trademark search is set to identical hits by default. However, you should also consider similar trademarks that are pronounced roughly the same but spelled differently. You can do this at TMDB by searching for similar terms.
In addition, you should take into account that you are also searching for similar trademarks in identical or complementary goods and services (trademark classes).
If you get too many hits, you can exclude individual countries or classes using the filters to narrow down the search.
Man kann eine Markenrecherche online selbst durchführen. Dazu stellt TMDB eine umfassende Recherchemöglichkeit zur Verfügung.
Die Auswertung des Suchergebnisses kann dann aber eine Herausforderung sein. Ist der Treffer nun wirklich kritisch, oder kann ich den ignorieren? Was mache ich nun am besten?
In solchen Fällen ist es ratsam, Experten hinzuzuziehen. Das sind in Deutschland z.B. Fachanwält:innen für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, die darauf spezialisiert sind. Der Fachanwaltstitel garantiert eine langjährige Erfahrung.
]Unsere Partnerkanzlei BREUER LEHMANN RECHTSANWÄLTE in München kann diese hochspezialisierten Recherchen durchführen, rechtlich auswerten und Ihnen die passende Markenstrategie an die Hand geben.
You can reach us from Monday to Friday between 08:00-16:00.