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The International trademark PERRIER-JOUËT was filed as Figurative mark on 09/24/2007 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Small containers #Colours #Small non-cylindrical or non-elliptical containers #Three predominant colours

Trademark Details Last update: April 17, 2018

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 939974
Register number 073492585
Countries Antigua and Barbuda Australia Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Curacao European Community Iceland Japan South Korea Norway Singapore Sint Maarten Switzerland China Egypt Croatia Liechtenstein Monaco Montenegro Macedonia Serbia Russia Ukraine
Base trademark FR No. 07 3 492 585, September 7, 2007
Application date September 24, 2007
Expiration date September 24, 2017

Trademark owner

28 avenue de Champagne

Trademark representatives

12 place des Etats-Unis F-75016 Paris FR

goods and services

33 Wines protected by the appellation of origin wines from Champagne

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 7, 2018 2018/14 Gaz Deletion
June 8, 2010 2010/27 Gaz KR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
April 17, 2009 2012/48 Gaz RU Decision on opposition
February 6, 2009 2009/9 Gaz NO RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
November 17, 2008 2008/51 Gaz SG RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
September 26, 2008 2008/41 Gaz RU Rejection
September 12, 2008 2008/38 Gaz EM RAW: Protection Granted
August 14, 2008 2008/35 Gaz KR Rejection
July 3, 2008 2008/27 Gaz JP RAW: Protection Granted
April 30, 2008 2008/19 Gaz NO Rejection
April 9, 2008 2008/18 Gaz AU RAW: Protection Granted
February 4, 2008 2008/6 Gaz SG Rejection
September 24, 2007 2007/43 Gaz FR Registration

ID: 14939974