BKW Engineering - Network of Excellence


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Die Internationale Marke BKW Engineering - Network of Excellence wurde als Wortmarke am 28.02.2023 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 17. Juli 2023

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1732092
Registernummer 793812
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Großbritannien
Basismarke CH Nr. 793812, 21. Februar 2023
Anmeldedatum 28. Februar 2023
Ablaufdatum 28. Februar 2033


Viktoriaplatz 2
3013 Bern


Falkenplatz 7, Postfach CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

35 Commercial project management services in the context of construction projects, consultant services regarding business risks
36 Financial affairs; financial management of building projects
37 Construction; repair; installation services; consulting services for construction, maintenance, repair and renovation of buildings and other structures; work supervision services for construction projects; installation, construction, upkeep, maintenance and repair of computer hardware and computer peripherals for buildings and other structures, machines and installations; providing information for installation, construction, servicing, maintenance and repair services for buildings and other structures, machines and installations
40 Production of energy; consultant services regarding energy production
42 Advice in the field of energy savings; services provided by consultants with rspect to technological services in the field of supply of electricity and energy and building technology; engineering and architectural services; environmental impact study services; technical consultant services in the field of environmental science; topographic surveys; expertise in engineering; quality control services and technical testing in the field of power plants and energy supply facilities, buildings and other structures; development of energy and power management systems and building technology systems; design, development, updating, installation and maintenance of energy management software; development of software application solutions in the field of power plants and energy supply facilities, buildings and other structures; development of computer hardware and computer peripheral devices in the field of power plants and energy supply facilities, buildings and other structures; technical project studies for building and infrastructure projects; construction engineering [construction design] services; technical and scientific monitoring services; risk analysis preparation for energy supply facilities, buildings and other structures
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
05. Juli 2023 2023/28 Gaz EM Ablehnung
15. Juni 2023 2023/25 Gaz GB Ablehnung
28. Februar 2023 2023/20 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141732092