MIX Markt


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Die Internationale Marke MIX Markt wurde als Bildmarke am 03.01.2023 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Horizontal langgestreckte ornamentale Flächen #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Horizontal gestreckte Flächen #Langgestreckte Oberflächen mit zwei kurzen Seiten konvex oder konkav #Buchstabenreihen in verschiedenen Dimensionen

Markendetails Letztes Update: 07. April 2023

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1725914
Registernummer 30550370
Länder Türkei
Basismarke DE Nr. 305 50 370, 15. September 2006
Anmeldedatum 03. Januar 2023
Ablaufdatum 03. Januar 2033


Schwarzwaldstr. 99
71083 Herrenberg


Kehrwieder 8 20457 Hamburg DE

Waren und Dienstleistungen

29 Meat; fish, not live; poultry, not live; game, not live; meat products, fish, poultry and game; charcuterie; crustaceans, not live; shellfish, not live; caviar; preserved, dried and cooked vegetables; preserved, dried and stewed fruit; fruit-based food (not fresh); products made of vegetables (not fresh), particularly sauerkraut and tomato puree; preserved, dried and cooked mushrooms, preserved, dried and stewed fruit; products made of fruits (not fresh), particularly jams and marmalade; prepared meals consisting primarily of mushrooms; eggs; products made of egg; edible oils and edible fats; nuts and products made of nuts, included in this class; delicatessen salads based on meat and fish; soups; margarine; salted meats and salted vegetables; salted fish; cured meat; cured charcuterie, salted fish; milk, long- life milk products, namely evaporated milk products and powdered milk products, milk protein products and whey powder; products made of milk, namely products made of curdled milk, of yoghurt, of kephir, of buttermilk, of cream (dairy products), of sugared condensed milk or not sugared condensed milk, of powdered milk, of milk protein, of semi-skimmed milk, of milk fat or products made with milk; products made of milk in the broader sense, namely all products which exclusively and predominantly consist of milk or milk components like drinking milk, butter, cheese; products made of milk fat, soups, milk beverages with milk predominating, powdered milk; milk beverages with milk predominating
30 Coffee, artificial coffee, tea, cocoa; coffee-based snack foods, tea and cocoa and coffee based beverages, tea-based beverages, cocoa-based beverages; chocolate; cereal products (except feeding stuff), particularly chips (cereal products); corn flakes, roasted corn, pastry, waffles, pizzas, pastries and confectionary, long-life bakery products, particularly rusks, bread and other pastries, pasta, particularly noodles; honey, golden syrup, yeast, baking powder, cooking salt; spices; mustard, vinegar; sauces (condiments); desserts, particularly crepes and puddings; delicatessen salads based predominantly on noodles or rice; dressings for salad, particularly ketchup, remoulade, mayonnaise; edible ices; confectionery (candies), particularly hard caramels [candies] and soft caramels [sweets], fondants, confectionary made of jelly, non-medicated gum sweets, fruit paste for flavoring food, foamed sugar sweets, dragees, products made of marzipan, persipan and nougat, ice confectionery, chewing gum, not for medical purposes; pasta filled with vegetables or herbs; sauces (except salad dressings); gruel, with a milk base, for food; waffles with milk cream, milk chocolate, pasta with milk; meat pies or fish pies; bakery goods with milk bonbons, shortbread with milk; garden herbs, preserved
31 Fresh fruits and vegetables; berries, fresh fruits; fresh mushrooms and chestnuts; fresh nuts, particularly hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, kola nuts and almonds; grains, particularly unprocessed sunflower seeds; fish and poultry, live; crustaceans and shellfish, live; animal foodstuffs; grains (cereals); garden herbs, fresh
32 Beer, shandy; fruit juices, fruit drinks, vegetable juices, fruit syrups, mineral water, table waters, lemonades, non-alcoholic soft drinks; malt beer, sport drinks; whey beverages, other non-alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic fruit extracts; effervescent powder for making beverages
33 Wine; sparkling wine; spirits, namely brandy and liqueur; alcoholic mixed drinks (cocktails); aperitifs, punch, grog; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; milk liqueur, sparkling wine with milk
35 Retail services for foodstuffs and spirits, in particular Russian, East- European and other international food specialties, other consumer or entertainment items, namely gold, printed matter, stationery, tobacco products, drugstore goods and gift articles; retail services for videos, DVDs, MCs, newspapers, journals, magazines, particularly in Russian language
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Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
03. Januar 2023 2023/14 Gaz DE Eintragung

ID: 141725914