EasyFit Connect


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Die Internationale Marke EasyFit Connect wurde als Wortmarke am 06.12.2022 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 22. Februar 2023

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1707259
Registernummer 018714461
Länder Schweiz China Indien Japan Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)
Basismarke EU Nr. 018714461, 03. Dezember 2022
Anmeldedatum 06. Dezember 2022
Ablaufdatum 06. Dezember 2032


Werner-Glatt-Str. 1
79589 Binzen


Plochinger Str. 109 73730 Esslingen DE

Waren und Dienstleistungen

06 Branching pipes of metal for pipelines; adaptors for pipes [metal]; pivoting fittings of metal for pipes; collapsible pipes of metal; collars of metal; flanges of metal [clamps]; flanged pipes of metal; pipes, tubes and hoses, and fittings therefor, including valves, of metal; metal clamps for pipes; metal pipes and tubes; pipes and tubes of metal; couplings of metal for tubing; couplings of metal for pipelines; couplings of metal for pipes; metal coupling elements for tubing; metal coupling parts for tubing; pipe fittings [junctions] of metal; pipe spacers of metal; fittings of metal for pipes; pipe extensions of metal; fitting elements of metal for pipes; bends (pipe -) of metal [other than parts of machines]; metal tubes for gas; ducts made of metal for trunking conduits for liquids; ducts made of metal for trunking pipes for gases; ducts made of metal for trunking pipes for liquids; metal air conditioning ducts; ducts of metal for concealing water pipes; tubes of stainless steel; metal pipe supports; collars of metal for fastening pipes; elbows of metal for pipes; elbows of metal for pipes including those from alloy steel and titanium; pipework of metal; pipes of metal including those from alloy steel and titanium; joint connectors (metal -) for pipes; junctions of metal for pipes including those from alloy steel and titanium; pipe muffs of metal; clips of metal for pipes; pipe support sleeves of metal; junctions of metal for pipes; tubes of metal including those from alloy steel and titanium; pipe couplings of metal; connectors of metal for pipes; connectors of metal for pipelines; junctions of metal for pipelines; junctions of metal for tubes; manifolds of metal for pipelines
37 Construction; installation services and repair, in relation to the following services: fabrication of pipelines and pipe-fitting; pipe laying; renovation of plumbing; services for the repair of pipes; services for the repair of conduits; servicing of conduits; servicing of pipes; pipeline laying; tube laying; pipe installation services; pipeline maintenance; construction of pipelines; conduit laying; servicing of tubes; installation of pipework systems; installation of industrial piping, especially installation of mechanically rolled pipelines; laying and construction of pipelines; pipeline construction and maintenance; advisory services relating to pipe laying, especially information, in relation to the following goods: mechanically rolled pipelines; maintenance and repair of pipelines; pipeline installation and repair; maintenance and repair of pipeline systems; maintenance and repair of conduit systems; maintenance and repair of industrial piping; maintenance and repair of pipes used in industrial equipment; installation of pipe systems for conducting of liquids, especially, installation in relation to the following goods: mechanically rolled pipelines; installation of pipe systems for conducting of steam, especially, installation in relation to the following goods: mechanically rolled pipelines; assembly of pipelines by connection of the pipes; assembly of pipes by non-welded connection of the pipes
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Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
20. Februar 2023 2023/8 Gaz IN Ablehnung
06. Dezember 2022 2022/52 Gaz EM Eintragung

ID: 141707259