X-COOL systém


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Die Internationale Marke X-COOL systém wurde als Wortmarke am 19.04.2022 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 11. August 2023

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1697265
Registernummer 389751
Länder Brasilien Türkei China Russland Ukraine
Basismarke CZ Nr. 389751, 19. Januar 2022
Anmeldedatum 19. April 2022
Ablaufdatum 19. April 2032


Brněnská 1146/30
591 01 Žd'ár nad Sázavou, Žd'ár nad Sázavou 1

Waren und Dienstleistungen

07 Machines and apparatus for the heat treatment of metals; machines and apparatus for the chemical and thermal treatment of metals; machines and apparatus for melting metals; metal casting machines; machines and apparatus for the surface treatment of metals and plastics; chemical and electrochemical surface treatment equipment; mechanical surface treatment equipment; centrifugal pumps; grinding and polishing machines; blasting machines; blast injection and pressure booths (machines); machines and machine tools for materials processing and for manufacturing; industrial machines for materials processing; electroplating machines; phosphating equipment; tin plating equipment; chromium plating equipment; nickel plating machines and zinc plating equipment; sheet metal cutting machines; paint spraying machines; handling equipment; welding and soldering machines; industrial cleaning equipment (polishing machines); paint removal equipment (machines); machines and equipment for cutting, drilling, grinding, sharpening and surface preparation; clamping machines; industrial robots; compressors for air handling equipment; dry-cleaning machines; pressure-cleaning machines; tools (parts of machines); surface finishing and compacting machines; engines (except engines for land vehicles); cranes (lifting and hoisting equipment), in particular truck cranes and mobile cranes; agricultural implements other than hand-operated implements; incubators for eggs; self-propelled cranes; mechanical and hydraulic lifting gear; pneumatic and hydraulic lifting flaps; cleaning machines and equipment; woodworking machines; crushers for industrial use; cranks (as parts of machines); pneumatic hammers; bearing shields for machines; mowing and harvesting machines; shovels (mechanical); lifting equipment; mechanical hoists; dust extractors for cleaning purposes; suction equipment for industrial use; snow ploughs; ploughshares; control equipment for machines; engines and machines; apparatus and technological equipment, including mechanical, especially for modernization, mechanization and automation of production; tools and implements, other than hand tools; levelling equipment (as parts of machinery); woodworking machines and parts thereof; power-driven mechanical equipment and tools; saw blades (as parts of machinery); cutting machines; table circular saws (as parts of machinery); drilling heads as parts of machines; drill bits as parts of machines; electric hand drilling equipment; drill chucks as parts of machines; drills for metal and masonry (parts of machines); industrial dust and dirt extraction equipment; compressors as integral parts of heating and air-conditioning equipment
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
09. August 2023 2023/32 Gaz BR Ablehnung
19. Juli 2023 2023/29 Gaz UA Ablehnung
19. Juli 2023 2023/29 Gaz TR Ablehnung
13. März 2023 2023/11 Gaz RU Ablehnung
19. April 2022 CZ Eintragung

ID: 141697265