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Die Internationale Marke snipd wurde als Wortmarke am 05.03.2022 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 15. Februar 2023

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 1680446
Registernummer 775489
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Großbritannien Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)
Basismarke CH Nr. 775489, 06. September 2021
Anmeldedatum 05. März 2022
Ablaufdatum 05. März 2032


c/o Ferdinand Langnickel,
Habsburgstrasse 8


Postfach 1739 8027 Zürich CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Computer hardware; computers; computer peripherals; computer servers; communication servers; pocket computers; portable digital electronic devices and associated software; network communication equipment; electronic communication equipment, devices and instruments; optical equipment and instruments; telecommunication equipment and instruments; telephones; mobile telephones; wireless communication equipment for the transmission of voice, data or images; data storage equipment; mass storage equipment; parts and accessories of all the aforesaid goods; computer software; computer hardware and software for programming and storing source code and data on a computer software platform; computer hardware and software for analyzing data and source code; computer hardware and software for analyzing and editing video and audio files; computer hardware and software for analyzing and editing video and audio files using artificial intelligence; computer hardware and software for analyzing and editing the content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio plays or other audio experiences, as well as media products and video recordings; computer hardware and software for analyzing and processing the content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio games or other audio experiences, as well as media products and video recordings using artificial intelligence; computer hardware and software for recording, processing and storing the content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio games or other audio experiences, as well as media products and video recordings; computer hardware and software for recording, processing and storing the content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio games or other audio experiences, as well as media products and video recordings using artificial intelligence; computer hardware and software for the distribution and sharing of content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio games or other audio experiences, as well as media products and video recordings; computer hardware and software for the distribution and sharing of content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio games or other audio experiences as well as media products and video recordings using artificial intelligence
38 Providing access to an interactive platform that allows users to manage their content in social networks; Providing access to an interactive platform for sharing information such as personal profiles and video and audio files of users, namely to create a digital social network; providing access for users of the social network to share information such as personal profiles and video and audio files through a website; providing online forums for communication on topics of general interest to the registered users of the social network; providing access to different databases to users registered in the social network
41 Education and training; Entertainment; provision of entertainment by means of online content; provision of entertainment by means of content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio plays or other audio experiences, as well as media products and video recordings
42 Scientific and technological services as well as research and design related thereto; Industrial analysis and research services; design, development, configuration, installation, provision, rental, maintenance and repair of computer software; outsourced services relating to information technology; design, development, configuration, installation, provision, rental, maintenance and repair of computer software for programming and storage of source code and data on a computer software platform; design, development, configuration, installation, provision, rental, maintenance and repair of computer software for analysis of data and source code; design, development, configuration, installation, provision, rental, maintenance and repair of computer software for analysis and editing of video and audio files; design, development, configuration, installation, provision, rental, maintenance and repair of computer software for analysis and editing of video and audio files using artificial intelligence; design, development, configuration, installation, provision, rental, maintenance and repair of computer software for analysis and editing of content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio plays or other audio experiences, as well as media products and video recordings; design, development, configuration, installation, provision, rental, maintenance and repair of computer software for the analysis and processing of the content or text of podcasts, audio books, audio plays or other audio experiences as well as media products and video recordings, using artificial intelligence; provision of information and advice on the aforementioned services
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
13. Februar 2023 2023/7 Gaz US Ablehnung
06. Februar 2023 2023/7 Gaz EM RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
23. November 2022 2022/47 Gaz GB Ablehnung
06. September 2022 2022/37 Gaz EM Ablehnung
05. März 2022 2022/33 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141680446