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Die Internationale Marke SPÉCIALISTE PNEUS wurde als Bildmarke am 23.09.2019 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Landfahrzeuge #Linien, Bänder #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Reifen, Reifenabdrücke, Schneeketten, Achsen mit oder ohne Räder, Lenkräder, Kühler, Auspuffanlagen, Stoßdämpfer von Landfahrzeugen, auch alle anderen Teile von Landfahrzeugen, die nicht in eine andere Kategorie oder Abteilung eingestuft sind #Gekrümmte Linien oder Bänder (außer A 26.11.13)

Markendetails Letztes Update: 14. April 2020

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1498524
Registernummer 731228
Länder Benelux Frankreich
Basismarke CH Nr. 731228, 26. März 2019
Anmeldedatum 23. September 2019
Ablaufdatum 23. September 2029


Optingenstrasse 16 3013 Bern CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

01 Compositions for repairing tires; cement for pneumatic tires; rubber cement for repairing tires; tire sealing compounds
03 Cleaning preparations for vehicle tires and wheels; whitewall pneumatic tire cleaners
08 Hoop cutters
09 Tire meters for vehicles; automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tires; wheel balancing machines for land vehicles; tire pressure gages; tire tread depth gauges
12 Components and accessories for vehicles included in this class; tyres for vehicles; tires for land vehicles; tires; vehicle wheel rims; balance weights for vehicle wheels; repair outfits for inner tubes; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; tire liners; valve stem caps for vehicle tires; treads for retreading tires; casings for pneumatic tires; inner tubes for vehicle tires; anti-skid chains for land vehicles; spikes for tires; valves for vehicle tires; solid tires for vehicle wheels
35 Demonstration of goods, wholesaling, retail sales, marketing, promotional services, import-export agency services; all the aforesaid services for the automobile sector and the automotive industry; services relating to the operation of companies in the automobile sector and automotive industry, namely business consultancy and business organization consultancy, inventory taking and administrative management of commercial activities
37 Installation, repair and maintenance for the automobile sector and automotive industry; operation of vehicle service stations, service stations (refuelling and maintenance); fitting, changing and balancing vehicle tires; repair and servicing of vehicle tires; retreading of tires; vulcanizing of automobile tires (repairs); information and advice on all the aforementioned services
39 Storage, packaging, transport and shipping of vehicle components, vehicle accessories and vehicle workshop articles, including related logistics services; storage of vehicle tires; providing online information in the field of transport, packaging and storage of goods
40 Information and advisory services in relation to recycling of garbage and waste, as well as the incineration and destruction of garbage and waste; custom manufacture of automobile parts to order and to the specifications of a customer; all the aforesaid services for the automobile sector and the automotive industry
41 Organization of sporting events and competitions; conducting of entertainment events; organization, presentation and production of shows and live performances; preparation and hosting of conferences, congresses, seminars, symposiums, lectures, lessons and training courses; production and directing of radio and music events in the form of live radio and television programs; provision of online training; all the aforesaid services for the automobile sector and the automotive industry
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
12. März 2020 2020/12 Gaz FR Ablehnung
27. Januar 2020 2020/5 Gaz BX Ablehnung
23. September 2019 2019/44 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141498524