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Die Internationale Marke BIOLONICA STEM CELLS wurde als Bildmarke am 06.02.2017 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Farben #Buchstabenreihen in verschiedenen Dimensionen #Grün

Markendetails Letztes Update: 14. Februar 2019

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1368126
Länder Europäische Gemeinschaft Russland
Basismarke PL Nr. Z-464758, 05. Dezember 2016
Anmeldedatum 06. Februar 2017
Ablaufdatum 06. Februar 2027


Al. Solidarności 104
01-016 Warszawa


Waren und Dienstleistungen

03 Creams, facial creams, hand creams, cosmetic creams for firming skin around eyes, body creams, colorants for toilet purposes, cosmetics, deodorants for personal use and antiperspirants, perfumes and perfumery products, toilet water, scented water, eau de cologne, ethereal oils, soaps, deodorant soaps, antiperspirant soaps, cosmetic masks, nail polish, nail conditioners, nail varnish, lotions for cosmetic purposes, products and preparations for make-up and make-up removing, eyebrow pencils, eyeliners, lipstick, lip-gloss, protective lipstick, eyeshadow, make-up bases, fluids and powders, preparations for body care, hair care, nail care, preparations for teeth cleaning and whitening, mouth washes, preparations for eyelash care, mascara, decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes, false eyelashes, false nails, sun-tanning preparations, after sun-tanning preparations, talcum powder for toilet use, cleansing milk for toilet purposes, astringents for cosmetic purposes, oils and petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic kits, depilatory preparations, preparations for hair care and stylization, hair dyes and colorant creams, henna, preparations for hair dyes removal, hair waving preparations, neutralizers for permanent waving, creams for hair straightening, stabilizers, lacquers for hair, hair gels, hair foams, hair waxes, hair creams, hair gum, hair oils, hair polish preparations, hair pastes, preparations for hair lightening, hair sprays, hydrogen peroxide for hair, preparations for hair regeneration and revitalization, hair serums, masks, balms and conditioners, shampoo, shaving preparations, after-shaves, bathing lotions, gels, spheres and salts, breath freshening sprays, pumice stone, sachets for perfuming linen, scented wood, joss sticks, stickable decorations for nails, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, potpourri, swabs, cotton pads, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abbrasive chemicals for household purposes, powders, liquids, gels and tablets for laundry, preparations for rinsing and softening of fabrics, bleaching preparations for laundry and other preparations for laundry, color brightening chemicals for household purposes, washing, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, non-slipping preparations for floors, antistatic preparations for household purposes, detergents, scale and sediment removing preparations for household purposes, smoothing preparations, color-removing preparations, degreasers other than for use in manufacturing processes, preparations for cleaning and polishing of shoes, preparations for cleaning and polishing of floors and furniture, preparations for cleaning and polishing of electric and electronic household and radio television appliances, rust removing preparations, preparations for cleaning waste pipes, cleaning liquids for windows, tissues impregnated with cleaning lotions, air fresheners, preparations facilitating drying for dish-washing machines, preparations for wallpaper cleaning, turpentine, stain removers, preparations for cleaning and maintenance of shoes, preparations for cleaning and maintenance of floors and furniture, preparations for cleaning and maintenance of electric and electronic household and radio television appliances
35 Bringing together, for the benefit of others, products: creams, facial creams, hand creams, creams under eyes, body creams, colorants for toilet purposes, cosmetics, deodorants for personal use and antiperspirants, perfumes and perfumery products, toilet water, scented water, eau de cologne, ethereal oils, soaps, deodorant soaps, disinfectant soaps, antiperspirant soaps, medicated soaps, cosmetic masks, nail polish, nail conditioners, nail varnish, lotions for cosmetic purposes, products and preparations for make-up and make-up removing, eyebrow pencils, eyeliners, lipstick, lip-gloss, protective lipstick, eyeshadow, make-up bases, fluids and powders, preparations for body care, hair care, nail care, preparations for teeth cleaning and whitening, mouth washes, preparations for eyelash care, mascara, decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes, false eyelashes, false hair, false nails, sun-tanning preparations, after sun-tanning preparations, talcum powder for toilet use, cleansing milk for toilet purposes, astringents for cosmetic purposes, oils and petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic kits, depilatory preparations, preparations for hair care and stylization, hair dyes and colorant creams, henna, preparations for hair dyes removal, hair waving preparations, neutralizers for permanent waving, creams for hair straightening, stabilizers, lacquers for hair, hair gels, hair foams, hair waxes, hair creams, hair gum, hair oils, hair polish preparations, hair pastes, preparations for hair lightening, hair sprays, hydrogen peroxide for hair, preparations for hair regeneration and revitalization, hair serums, masks, balms and conditioners, shampoo, shaving preparations, after-shaves, bathing lotions, gels, spheres and salts, breath freshening sprays, pumice stone, sachets for perfuming linen, scented wood, joss sticks, stickable decorations for nails, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, potpourri, cotton pads, cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes, chemicals for household purposes, powders, liquids, gels and tablets for laundry, preparations for rinsing and softening of fabrics, bleaching preparations for laundry and other preparations for laundry, color brightening chemicals for household purposes, washing, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, non-slipping preparations for floors, antistatic preparations for household purposes, detergents and antiseptic preparations, scale and similar sediment removing preparations for household purposes, smoothing preparations, color-removing preparations, degreasers, preparations for cleaning dentures, rust removing preparations, preparations for cleaning waste pipes, cleaning liquids for windows, tissues impregnated with cleaning lotions, air fresheners, preparations facilitating drying for dish-washing machines, preparations for wallpaper cleaning, turpentine, stain removers, preparations for cleaning and maintenance of shoes, preparations for cleaning and maintenance of floors and furniture, preparations for cleaning and maintenance of electric and electronic household and rtv appliances, sanitary preparations for medical purposes, patches, materials for dressings, sanitary towels, hygienic pads, menstruation tampons, cotton wool, lactation pads, creams for wounds, diapers, absorbent pants for incontinents, disinfection preparations for hygienic purposes and for chemical WC, disinfectants, preparations and salts for healing baths, hygienic and menstruations pants, refreshing preparations for clothes and fabrics, tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions, food and diet conditioners for children, pharmaceutical products, sanitary products for medical purposes, dietetic food and preparations for medical purposes, diet supplements, candles, perfumed candles, joss sticks, enabling their convenient watching and buying in shops, wholesale stores, in the internet (online), by mail-order, advertising of the aforementioned goods, distribution of advertising materials and gadgets, printed and electronic publications
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
01. Februar 2019 2019/7 Gaz RU Ablehnung
22. Mai 2018 2018/22 Gaz RU Ablehnung
07. März 2018 2018/10 Gaz EM Ablehnung
06. Februar 2017 2017/38 Gaz PL Eintragung

ID: 141368126